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Haworth had fallen in with every suggestion with the most eager, ready sympathy; and Sir John, who before coming to Witanbury had regarded him as a pacifist and pro-German, had come really to like and respect him. So it was that now, as he came back from the Deanery, and up to the gate of the Trellis House, he was in a softer, more yielding mood than usual. Sir Jacques hurried out to meet him.

Half-past ten was the hour at which the service began. Mrs Baxter contrived to meet her before she saw her father, and begged her not to let it be known that any special tidings of Mr Harding's failing strength had been sent from the deanery to Plumstead. "And how is my father?" asked Mrs Grantly. "Well, then, ma'am," said Baxter, "in one sense he's finely.

A typical one is given in Barnes' Eccles. Proc., 25, entitled "The furnitures, implements and bookes requisite to be had in every churche, and so commaunded by publique aucthoritie" . Cf. Cardwell, Doc. Ann., i, 287 ff. Warrington Deanery Visit., 184. Harding. Barnes' Eccles. Proc., 116. J.L. Glasscoek, The Records of St. Michael's, Bishop Stortford , 63. Shrop. Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc.

Three days after this Mrs Arabin reached the deanery, and the joy at her return was very great. "My dear, I have been sick for you," said Mr Harding. "Oh, papa, I ought not to have gone." "Nay, my dear; do not say that. Would it make me happy that you should be a prisoner here for ever? It was only when I seemed to get so weak that I thought about it.

She knew well that she had no power of refusing her sanction. Frank must do as he pleased about marrying. Were Lucy once his wife, of course she would be made welcome to the best the deanery could give her. There was no doubt about Lucy being as good as gold; only that real gold, vile as it is, was the one thing that Frank so much needed.

Bold raised her little hand and just dealt him a box on the ear with such good will that it sounded among the trees he had followed her into the garden like a miniature thunderclap. The news that the deanery was not for him ended Mr. Slope's prospects in Barchester. He was aware that as regarded the diocese Mrs. Proudie had checkmated him.

"Mr. Pope," wrote Swift to Stella under date of March, 1713, "has published a fine poem called 'Windsor Forest. Read it." But, by and by, when Swift came back from his Irish deanery to reconcile Oxford and Bolingbroke, he seems to have made Pope's personal acquaintance, and to have begun the correspondence which lasted so long.

"As to Miss Eversham, the following short note from the dean concluded my hopes in that quarter. "'Deanery, Wednesday morning. "'The presents you made my daughter, when under our unfortunate ignorance of your real character, have been addressed to your hotel, and I am your most obedient, humble servant, "'Oliver Eversham.

"Perhaps they would have me at the deanery," said Lucy slowly. She had evidently been thinking much of it all. "And, Lady Fawn, I will not go down-stairs while Lord Fawn is here; and when he comes, if he does come again while I am here, he shall not be troubled by seeing me. He may be sure of that.

With Mordaunt came Burnet, to whom William had entrusted the duty of protecting the clergy of the Cathedral from injury and insult. The Mayor and Aldermen had ordered the gates to be closed, but yielded on the first summons. The deanery was prepared for the reception of the Prince. On the following day, Friday the ninth, he arrived.