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Dead-white of skin; sleek and hairless; heavily muscled from the work of their world; and almost blind from living in the dark. They were swarming now into the Hill City of the ruling Little People. The beasts, at their commands, were running wild through the streets ... dripping jaws, tearing at the women ... the children.... I felt Elza turn away, shuddering. Tarrano chuckled. "The revolt.

It was in the winter, and a great wood-fire blazed upon the hospitable hearth. As I drifted down the stream of talk, this person, who sat silent as a shadow, looked to me as Webster might have looked had he been a poet, a kind of poetic Webster. He rose and walked to the window, and stood there quietly for a long time, watching the dead-white landscape.

Nothing answered, and she went on a bit, when suddenly the fire flared up one flash, and there right before her was the ghost." "Don't be foolish, John. Tell us what it was," said Octavia sharply, though her face whitened and her heart sank as the last word passed the man's lips. "It was a tall, black figger, miss, with a dead-white face and a black hood.

"Keep still," ordered the priest; "your cheek is frozen"; and he applied more snow and more friction. "You ought to watch one another in such weather as this. When a man turns dead-white like that, he's touched with frost-bite." After he had restored the circulation: "There now, don't go near the fire, or it will begin to hurt." "Thank you," said the Boy, a little shame-faced.

Of the dancing I remember nothing but Viola whirling round and round, as it were for ever, in Charlie Thesiger's arms, and her dead-white face looking over his shoulder, as if she saw nothing, nothing whatever; as if she were detached even from the arms that held her.

She dressed in feverish haste, yet with great care and attention to effects. Her gown was a lustreless black silk, trimmed with gold and made as plain as her modiste would and the styles permitted. Her hair was piled high, with an elongated twist; her dead-white complexion was unmarred by powder or rouge, and beneath the transparent skin the blood pulsed softly pink.

The great lamp of brass was dark, and there was no other light than a solitary bulb, whose hooded rays were concentrated upon the crystal ball, so that the latter shone with a dead-white glare, somehow baleful, like an elfin moon deeply lost in a sea of sombre enchantment.

His sandy eyebrows twitched with his dreams against the dead-white, freckled skin above high cheekbones, and two hard ridges were fixed between his brows; now and then over the sleeping face came the look of one riding at a gate.

She stood beside him quivering, dead-white, Almost daring to take the final step. Philip caught her hands firmly in his own, and Jeanne looked over. Then she darted back and hovered, shuddering, near the wall. The portage was a short one, scarce two hundred yards in length, and at the upper end was a small green meadow in which river voyagers camped.

But in a second or two Scott's placid voice came into the silence, and at once her distress began to subside. "Have you decided about the decoration of this room yet?" he asked. "I always thought this dead-white rather cold." "Dinah is to have her own choice," said Sir Eustace. "I would like shell-pink," said Dinah, without looking up.