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When a hurricane swept us smack smooth fore and aft, When we dash'd on the rock, and we flounder'd on shore, As we sighed for the loss of our beautiful craft, Convinced that the like we should never see more, Says I, "My good fellows," as huddled together, They shiver'd and shook, each phiz black with sorrow, "Remember, it's not to be always foul weather, So with ill-luck to-day don't forget there's to-morrow."

We were panting along when suddenly a shower of sand and earth was dash'd in my face, spattering me all over. Half-blinded, I look'd and saw a great round shot had ploughed a trench in the ground at my feet, and lay there buried. At the same moment, Billy, who was running at my shoulder, plumps down on his knees and begins to whine and moan most pitiably.

I suppose, if some near friend were to watch one who was looking over such a pressing letter, he might possibly see a slight shadow flit over the reader's features, and some such dialogue might follow as that between Othello and Iago, after "this honest creature" has been giving breath to his suspicions about Desdemona: "I see this hath a little dash'd your spirits.

Fierce Malcolm watch'd the passing scene, And search'd them through with glances keen; Then dash'd a tear-drop from his eye; Unhid it came he knew not why. Exulting high, he towering stood: "Kinsmen," he cried, "of Alpin's blood, And worthy of Clan Alpin's name, Unstain'd by cowardice and shame, E'en do, spare nocht, in time of ill Shall be Clan Alpin's legend still!" No.

"Now where the wave, with loud unquiet song, Dash'd o'er the rocky channel, froths along, Or where the silver waters soothed to rest, The tree's tall shadow sleeps upon its breast."

Before these fields were shorn and till'd, Full to the brim our rivers flow'd; The melody of waters fill'd The fresh and boundless wood; And torrents dash'd, and rivulets play'd, And fountains spouted in the shade. It is generally known that the waters which flow into the southern side of Ontario are, in general, narrow, sluggish, and deep.

Whate'er Lorraine light touch'd with soft'ning hue, Or savage Rosa dash'd, or learned Poussin drew. He turns aside to view a country gentleman's seat with eager looks, thinking it may contain some of the rich products of art.

Roar'd the sable flood Around the bark, that ever as she went Dash'd wide the brine, and scudded swift away. COWPER'S Homer.

"Dash'd if it ain't the very thing I went and gone and dreamed last night," said the cabman, as he made his dispositions to commence the journey. Certain boys advised him to whip it away as hard as he could, and he would come in the winner. "Where shall I grub, sir?" the cabman asked through the little door above, to get some knowledge of the quality of his fare.

Speaking he dash'd on the ground, in the midst of the people, his sceptre, Garnish'd with circles of gold; down sat thereafter Peleides. Opposite rose Agamemnon in wrath; but before he could open, Upsprang Nestor between them, the sweet-ton'd spokesman of Pylos: Sweeter the speech of his tongue in its flow than the sweetness of honey.