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The delegation from Tennessee were on the floor, ready to answer to their names. The Clerk passed over Tennessee and went direct to Indiana. As soon as the first member from Indiana had responded, there arose a tall, black-haired, dark-faced figure, that every body recognized as Horace Maynard, of Tennessee.

She threaded her way through a good-natured crowd of tall, tanned young Americans, pretty girls with wonderful erections of golden hair, dark-faced Mexicans, yellow-faced Japanese, a few Hindus and negroes. Then, by the pier, she saw an old Spanish galleon disguised as a restaurant, and drifted in to lunch on fried sand-dabs attractively advertised in big black letters.

Scareman, to whom Emily my dear, unfortunate girl, had the misfortune to get married. He was a dark-faced, but handsome man that is to say, he could bear a first glance or two, but was incapable of standing anything like a close scrutiny.

Cravath will be disappointed," he added, as he went down the steps, and luckily did not turn his head to see Mr. Cravath's face covered with the laughter he had been restraining during the last few moments. "Caught him, by Jove!" he said, turning to his companion, a tall dark-faced man, "caught him, by Jove, Randall! He never once thought to ask of what sex the other members of the party might be.

Stradling from Dixcart, and the dark-faced, fierce-eyed woman who cannot keep still, but ranges to and fro in the lip of the tide, and whom they all know now as the wife the Frenchwoman, though some of them have never seen her before. A buzz runs round as the boat comes slowly past the point of the Lâches.

Face-of-god gave the twain the sele of the day in merry fashion as he passed them by, and the sober dark-faced man nodded to him but spake no word, and the child stayed her prattle to watch him as he went by.

"I believe that's Sherman!" he cried. "Sherman's here for a rival steam pump firm, but I'll be good to him, especially as there is nothing doing in the way of trade. Hey, there, Sherm!" he shouted as the two cars drew nearer. "Pull up and give an account of yourself!" Sherman was a dark-faced, black-haired, bewhiskered fellow of perhaps forty.

Ein, zwei, drei, ruckwaerts!" snarled the drill- sergeant, and the dark-faced Hungarian soldiers who may have soon afterward prodded their Danish fellow-beings all the more effectively for that day's training stooped, writhed, and leaped obedient.

There was a head and a part of a body emerging from the skylight, but it was not the head or body of a little girl or a housemaid; it was the picturesque white-swathed form and dark-faced, gleaming-eyed, white-turbaned head of a native Indian man-servant "a Lascar," Sara said to herself quickly and the sound she had heard came from a small monkey he held in his arms as if he were fond of it, and which was snuggling and chattering against his breast.

Her eyes flashed as she sprang to her feet and walked up and down the room for a moment, then stood still, facing her mother a dark-faced, pock-marked woman, with heavy, somnolent eyes and waited for her to speak. The reply came slowly and sullenly: "I am a Blackfoot woman. I lived on the Muskwat River among the braves for thirty years. I have killed buffalo. I have seen battles.