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Updated: August 12, 2024

I know the man quite well. He's an insolent young cub." Peg flushed darkly. "He hates you!" she said, falling into her favourite melodrama. "He would like to do you an injury if he dared!" Forrester smiled. "I don't think there is any cause for alarm," he said cynically. "I am certainly not afraid of Travers."

Some years before, a subtle Frenchman had expressed her in such a fashion that while many vowed he had given to the world an epitome of romantic youth, others remarked cynically that his handsome subject looked as if about to seat herself on the corner of the table and smoke a cigarette.

It makes things smooth to smile and commit little acts of showy kindness which cost you nothing. You live and breathe and have your being like a great maggot fattening on a putrid corpse. I blush to think that I have ever used your body for my own ends, loathing you all the time. I have watched you cynically when I should have wrung your neck." She sobbed hoarsely and held out her hands.

I read in the papers of political crimes it is a common phrase; yet the criminals appear to go unpunished." "There you are wrong," he answered cynically. "The punishment is, that political virtue goes unrewarded, and in due course crime is the only refuge to most. Yet in politics the temptation to be virtuous is great." She laughed now with a sense of relief.

Leroy indicated it with a wave of his hand. "Welcome to Hidden Valley, Miss Mackenzie," he said cynically. "Afraid I'm likely to wear my welcome out if you keep me here until my father raises thirty thousand dollars," she said lightly. "Don't you worry any about that. We need the refining influences of ladies' society here. I can see York's a heap improved already.

"Why should that make him good to her?" I asked, cynically, out of my knowledge of the poor. But the girl, precocious in many ways, had never had any opportunities of studying the lower classes in the newspapers, fiction, and club talk. She shut one eye, and, looking up wonderingly, said: "Ain't you green just!" "When does William reach home at night?" "'Tain't night; it's morning.

Kate's silence deceived her. She imagined that Kate was awed and tongue-tied in her presence. The woman was, as Prissy had assured Abram, "tickled to pieces." In the meanwhile, interested observers of the meeting were saying to each other cynically: "Nothing succeeds like success, does it?" This time, apparently, Mrs. Pantin expected an answer, so Kate asked bluntly: "What for?" "Luncheon.

"Why should that make him good to her?" I asked cynically, out of my knowledge of the poor. But the girl, precocious in many ways, had never had my opportunities of studying the lower classes in the newspapers, fiction, and club talk. She shut one eye, and looking up wonderingly, said: "Ain't you green just!" "When does William reach home at night?" "'Tain't night; it's morning.

Rather in a satire and cynically, than seriously and wisely; for men have rather sought by wit to deride and traduce much of that which is good in PROFESSIONS, than with judgment to discover and sever that which is corrupt. For, as Solomon saith, he that cometh to seek after knowledge with a mind to scorn and censure, shall be sure to find matter for his humour, but no matter for his instruction.

"To be absolutely candid with you, friend Huanacocha, I think you were," rejoined Xaxaguana somewhat cynically. "Why did you do it?" Huanacocha stopped short in the middle of the road and looked his friend square in the eye. "Xaxaguana," said he, "when I was Chief of the Council of Seven it was in my power to do you several good turns and I did them.

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