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He even refused to express surprise at my lord's story; one wife in London, another in Paris; why, many a southern gentleman had two families quadroons being plentiful, why not? Culver unobtrusively yawned, and, with fine courtesy, bowed the marquis out.

"No, nothing to eat," he said thickly, and with slow but fairly steady step left his room and descended to the library. Culver was there sat agape at sight of his master. "But you you must not " he began. Dumont gave him an ugly grin. "But I will!" he said, and again drank brandy.

I wondered if you have ever heard her say anything that would lead you to think that if she did leave this house of her own accord, she would go to any one person?" "Only Minnie," said Mrs. Culver in a voice as cultivated and low as Mrs. Hargrave's own. "I have sent for Minnie," said Mrs. Hargrave.

The knowledge he had gained from overhearing their conversation would have made it comparatively easy for MacDonald and him to strike them a perhaps fatal blow through the half-breed DeBar. As the situation stood now, he figured that Quade and Culver Rann held the advantage. Whatever they had planned to do they would put into quick execution. They would not lose a minute.

And yet-it must be heavenly to love a man who would kill you." Miss Chapin lost herself in meditation for an instant. "Culver is almost like that when he is angry. Hello, here comes our foreman!" Stover, a tall, gangling cattle-man with drooping grizzled mustache, came shambling up to the steps.

Culver can go to Chicago and get back with the money by to-morrow night." "No use," groaned Culver. And he told them the last part of his talk with Mrs. Dumont. "She thought of that!" said Merriweather, and he looked the impartial admiration of the connoisseur of cleverness. "But she'd never carry out her threat never in the world!" persisted Larkin.

Fortunately Culver was in, and, although averse to business on any day thinking more of his court-yard and his fountain than of his law books this botanist-solicitor made shift to comply with the marquis' instructions and reluctantly earned a modest fee.

"This state which we need so much will be out of the Union inside of two weeks." But Senator Culver was more guarded in his opinion, or at least in the expression of it. "It's going to be a mighty hot fight," he said. Harry and Dick together watched the convening of the Legislature, having chosen seats in the upper lobby of the House.

Culver gathered Rosanna up in his arms, and with Minnie leading the way, carried her to her pretty room. She gave a sigh of happiness when she felt herself tucked into her own soft, pleasant bed, and a tear squeezed itself from under her closed lids, but it was a tear of joy. Mrs. Hargrave returned to the library and sat down. It was a half hour before Mrs. Horton awoke.

Dumont scowled and his lower lip projected the crowning touch in his most imperious expression. "The papers, all of 'em, quick!" he commanded. Culver took a last look at the blue-white face and bloodshot eyes to give him courage to stand firm. "The doctor'll be here in a few minutes," he said, bowed and went out.