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Roland lay in the folds of his military greatcoat, too completely happy to be disturbed, Nevil Beauchamp chose to think; and Rosamund Culling, he told Renee, had been separated from her husband last on these waters. 'Ah! to be unhappy here, sighed Renee. 'I fancied it when I begged her to join us. It was in her voice. The impressionable girl trembled.

We had not, for one whole week, the comfort of even any one letter from any of our distant friends. We had expected to be by this time at Castlebar, and we had desired Honora to direct our letters there. Sir Culling with great spirit sent a Connemara messenger fifty miles to Castlebar for the letters, and when he came back he brought but one!

These postboys were persons of the greatest consequence to us: they brought us news from home, and to poor Lady Culling Smith accounts of her baby, and of her friends in England. We began to think we should never see any of them again. I cannot with sufficient gratitude describe to you the hospitality and unvaried kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Martin during all these trials. Mr.

The importance attached by England to mail-clad steamers may be inferred from the debates in the House of Lords on the 11th and 14th of June, 1861, in which it was officially stated that the Government had not authorized the construction of a single wooden three-decker since 1855, nor one wooden two-decker since 1859, although it had launched a few upon the stocks for the purpose of clearing the yards, and that it now contemplated culling down a number of the largest wooden steamships of the line for the purpose of plating them with iron, while it was constructing nothing but iron ships, except a few light despatch frigates, corvettes, and gun-boats.

Shrapnel did not intend to be insulting. I cannot say that he was not offensive. You know, Miss Halkett, I would willingly, gladly have saved him from anything like punishment. 'You are too gentle to have thought of it, said Cecilia. 'But I shall never be forgiven by Captain Beauchamp. I see in his eyes that he accuses me and despises me. 'He will not be so unjust, Mrs. Culling.

'Madame, he stooped to Rosamund Culling, with a happy inspiration, 'convince him; you have known him longer than I, and I desire not to lose my friend. And tell me, madame I can trust you to be truth itself, and you can see it is actually the time for truth to be spoken is he justified in taking my sister's hand? You perceive that I am obliged to appeal to you. Is he not dependent on his uncle?

"Well," he answered, beginning to take heart at her very tranquil acceptance of the first bombardment, "I thought it best to let a time elapse to soothe your deceived affections and cure your humiliation. For the time being I was content to enjoy culling the flowers of your friendship from time to time, but I now feel no longer satisfied with them, but must be paid in a richer harvest.

The,effect was beautiful. It seemed as if we had taken care to select the finest-looking people in the congregation, much to the injury of the congregation, of course, as seen from the platform. There are few congregations that can stand this sort of culling, though ours can endure it as well as any; yet it devolves upon those of us who remain the responsibility of looking as well as we can.

At times she would stroll among the rare beds of plants, and culling fresh chaplets for her head, wreathe herself a fragrant garland, ever finding some familiar scent that recalled her far off home in all its freshness.

"Oh, you can't rile me," returned the quack. "I don't blame you regulars for getting sore when you see us fellows culling out coin from under your very noses, that you can't touch." "Cull it, and welcome. But don't try to pass it on to me." "Well, I'd like to do something for you in return for what you did for my son." "Would you? Pay me in words, then, if you will and dare.