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The work is issued in parts, each representing twenty-five species, and selling with text at $5, expressage prepaid; the mounted specimens alone at 25 cts. per species or twenty-five in neat box for $4. He has also a line of specimens prepared for the stereopticon and another for the microscope. Let each of the scholars take one of the sections of Oak and write a description of its markings.

Sermons Preached and Revised by the Rev. C.H. Spurgeon. Fifth Series. New York. Sheldon & Co. 12mo. pp. 454. $1.00. Hours with my Pupils; or, Educational Addresses, etc. The Young Lady's Guide and Parents' and Teachers' Assistant. By Mrs. Lincoln Phelps. New York. C. Scribner. 12mo. $1.25. "Love me Little, Love me Long." By Charles Reade. New York. Harper & Brothers. 12mo. pp. 435. 75 cts.

To salary for quarter By Deduction for absence ending Jan 1st @ $75 per 1 week 3 days ...........$10.00 quarter ................ $75.00 "Board, lodging, etc for 10 days @ 75 cts per day.. 7.50 "Damage to Institution by absence of teacher from duties, say ............. 25.00 "Stationary furnished ..... .43 "Postage-stamp ............ .01 "Balance due Helen Darley. 32.06 $75.00 $75.00

This was quite a luxurious breakfast for Dick, and more expensive than he was accustomed to indulge himself with. To gratify the curiosity of my young readers, I will put down the items with their cost, Coffee, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 cts. Beefsteak, . . . . . . . . . . . 15 A couple of rolls, . . . . . . . 5 25 cts.

The Life of Jonathan Trumbull, Sen'r, Governor of Connecticut. By S.W. Stuart. Boston. Crocker & Brewster. 8vo. pp. 700. $3.00. Tighe Lyfford. A Novel. New York. James Miller. 12mo. pp. 270. $1.00. Gerald Fitzgerald, "The Chevalier." By Charles Lever. Part I. New York. Harper & Brothers. 8vo. pp. 112. 25 cts. The Romance of a Poor Young Man. Translated from the French of Octave Feuillet.

1/8 lb. butter " 25 " 3 1/8 " 1/2 " bacon " 25 " 12 1/2 " 1/16 pk. potatoes at 60 cts. per bush 15/16 " 1/2 pt. hominy at 6 cts 3 " 27 1/16 1/3 of total 09 1/48 cts. 1/3 total 08 1/48 " To rent of one room and furniture, for one night, in furnished house of fifteen rooms at $6.00 per week for whole house 05 3/8 " Amount due 22 17/24 cts.

Translated from the German. Boston. Crosby, Nichols, & Co. 12mo. $1.00. Our Charley, and What shall we Do with Him? By Mrs. H.B. Stowe. Boston. Phillips, Sampson, & Co. 16mo. 50 cts. The Mathematical Monthly. Edited by J. D. Runkle. For December and January. Cambridge. John Bartlett. 2 Nos. 4to. 25 cts. each. Sylvan Holt's Daughter. By Holme Lee. New York. Harper & Brothers. 12mo. $1.00.

Biographical Sketches of Illinois Officers engaged in the War against the Rebellion of 1881. By James Grant Wilson. Chicago. James Barnet. 8vo. paper. pp. 110. 50 cts. Walter's Tour in the East. By Daniel C. Eddy, D.D., Author of "The Percy Family," "Walter in Egypt." New York. Sheldon & Co. 16mo. pp. 222. 60 cts. Answers to Ever-Recurring Questions from the People. New York.

There the value of money is constantly changing, and almost every day prices vary. What to-day costs $20 to-morrow may be $15, or, more likely, $30. Although one hundred and seventy tons of sugar are annually grown in the country, that luxury is decidedly expensive. I have paid from 12 cts. to 30 cts. a pound. Oatmeal, the Scotsman's dish, has cost me up to 50 cts. a pound.

The Christian Law of Amusement. By James Leonard Corning, Pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian Church. Buffalo, N.Y. Phinney & Co. 16mo. pp. 162. 50 cts. Scenes and Adventures in the Army; or, Romance of Military Life. By P. St. G. Cooke, Colonel Second Dragoons, U.S.A. Philadelphia. Lindsay & Blakiston. 12mo. pp. 432. $1.00.