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The wretched and unsuspecting victim fell back upon the earth with these last words dead sent to his dread account, with all his sins upon his head! And what a dream of simple happiness in two fond, feeble hearts, was thus cruelly and terribly dispersed for ever! There was a dreadful pause, after the commission of the deed, in which no word was spoken by either of the parties.

But those to whom she appealed turned a deaf ear; for a convent is a tomb in which all human sympathies are immured a vortex wherein all the best feelings that concrete in the mortal heart are cruelly engulfed!

And her farewells to the Grotto, to the Basilica, to the whole town which she loved, were watered with tears. But she could no longer remain there, owing to the continuous persecution of public curiosity, the visits, the homage, and the adoration paid to her, from which, on account of her delicate health, she suffered cruelly.

Cruelly hurt. All her best efforts had gone for nothing. A moment before Toby had seemed so nearly hers, and now "No. I didn't guess you were. But that is you see " The man floundered heavily and broke off. His look was one of comical confusion and trouble. So much so that it was too much for the girl's good nature.

Neither the strength nor the wealth of the States are sufficient of themselves to withstand their ambitious and dangerous designs. We see the possessory princes treated as enemies upon their own estates, and many thousand souls of the Reformed religion cruelly oppressed by the Papistical League.

"Well, 'ole me while I take it off," said Sam, sensibly. Against his better sense the cook steadied the stout seaman while he proceeded to peel, Dick waited until the garment a very tight one was over his head, and then, pushing the cook aside, took his victim and made him slowly gyrate on the pavement. "Turn round three times and catch who you can, Sam," he said cruelly. "Well, sit down, then."

So, hearing of the charms of Bidasari, the queen resolved to put her out of the way. She lured the girl to the palace and tortured her cruelly; but Bidasari could not die, because her soul was not in her. At last she could stand the torture no longer and said to the queen, "If you wish me to die, you must bring the box which is in the pond in my father's garden."

It was quite an ordinary fact in Greece and Rome for slaves to submit to death by torture rather than betray their masters. In the proscriptions of the Roman civil wars it was remarked that wives and slaves were heroically faithful, sons very commonly treacherous. Yet we know how cruelly many Romans treated their slaves.

MOROCCO. "When an ill-disposed husband becomes jealous or discontented with his wife, he has too many opportunities of treating her cruelly; he may tyrannize over her without control; no one can go to her assistance, for no one is authorized to enter his harem without permission.

It is impossible to describe Ricardo's feelings, when he saw the treasure of his soul thus put up for sale, and found that he had regained it only to lose it more cruelly. He knew not whether he was asleep or awake, and could not believe his own eyes; for it seemed incredible that they should have so unexpectedly before them her whom he had supposed to have disappeared for ever.