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No amount of education can recompense a woman for the loss of complexion, figure, or charm. And do not let your emotional and affectional nature grow atrophied. Control your emotions, but do not crucify them. Do not mistake frigidity for serenity, nor austerity for self-control. Be affable, amiable, and sweet, no matter how much you know. And listen more than you talk.

Hart. "And now," said Mr. Tyrrwhit, drawing out his watch, "I expect Mr. Augustus Scarborough to call upon us." "You can crucify him," said Evans & Crooke. "It is the old man, and neither of the sons, as have done it," said Hart. "Mr. Scarborough," continued Tyrrwhit, "will be here, and will expect to learn whether we have accepted his offer. He will be accompanied by Mr. Barry.

They can crush anyone who ventures to oppose their desires. When they war among themselves they manage that no interloper shall come in for a share of the spoils. They unite against the newcomer and crucify him. They control municipal legislation. They buy aldermen like cattle. The city is at their mercy. They are all religious and moral men; their crookedness is purely commercial and political.

He is not able to do impossible things: and to make man free, and yet to prevent him from doing evil if he so chooses, is a thing impossible even to GOD. Man is left free to crucify his Maker, and he has availed himself of his freedom by crucifying both his Maker and his fellow-man. If we ask, "Why does not GOD prevent war?

For, by natural disposition, we are all inclined to make our own selves to be our own centres, our own aims, the objects of our trust, our own law; and if we do so, we are dead whilst we live, and the death that brings life is when, day by day, we 'crucify the old man with his affections and lusts. Crucifixion was no sudden death; it was an exquisitely painful one, which made every nerve quiver and the whole frame thrill with anguish; and that slow agony, in all its terribleness and protractedness, is the image that is set before us as the true ideal of every life that would not be a living death.

'Call it self-respect, then! corrected Herrick, with a laugh. 'And why not Grace? Why not God's Grace, Hay? asked Attwater. 'Why not the grace of your Maker and Redeemer, He who died for you, He who upholds you, He whom you daily crucify afresh? There is nothing here, striking on his bosom 'nothing there' smiting the wall 'and nothing there' stamping 'nothing but God's Grace!

'Let us make him kneel down here for a couple of hours, and use him as a dice-board, said Raphael, 'as you used to do to the girls in Armenia. 'Ah, you recollect that? and how the barbarian papas used to grumble, till I had to crucify one or two, eh? That was something like life!

'The punishment he has received is, beyond question, sufficient to deprive him of all desire of making himself king. But they cried out the more and the multitude joined in the cry, 'Crucify him, crucify him! Pilate then sounded the trumpet to demand silence, and said: 'Take you him and crucify him, for I find no cause in him. 'We have a law, and according to that law he ought to die, replied the priests, 'because he made himself the Son of God. These words, 'he made himself the Son of God, revived the fears of Pilate; he took Jesus into another room, and asked him; 'Whence art thou? But Jesus made no answer.

Did it ever occur to you that if God wrote the old testament, and told the Jews to crucify or kill anybody that disagreed with them on religion, and that God afterward took upon Himself flesh and came to Jerusalem, and taught a different religion, and the Jews killed Him did it ever occur to you that He reaped exactly what he had sown?

Once you get your claws on a penny, it goes into your stocking, and nevermore sees the light of day, even though they crucify you. . . ! Did I say five dollars? Give him ten. I command it and that is enough." The Frenchman paid, shrugging his shoulders, whilst his father-in-law, satisfied with his triumph, fled to Buenos Aires.