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In front of the last troop under La Corde marched the commander of the artillery, with two demi-cannon and two field-pieces, followed by the ammunition and, baggage trains. Hohenlo arrived just as the march was beginning, to whom the stadholder, notwithstanding their frequent differences, communicated his plans, and entrusted the general command of the cavalry.

I subscribe to that Sonnet toto corde." The sonnet referred to, beginning They talk of time and of time's galling yoke, will be found quoted above, in the notes to "New Year's Eve." It was, of course, by Lamb himself. Cowley's lines are from "The Complaint."

One of these is called La Corde. A rope is stretched by the leading couple across the room, and the gentlemen jump over it to reach their partners. Much amusement is occasioned by the tripping of gentlemen who are thrown by the intentional raising of the rope. After all have reached their partners they perform a tour de valse, and regain their seats. This is a figure not to be commended.

Vous n'avez pas attache la corde! But in vain; and in an instant down came from the very top the little medicine chest given me by M . It fell on its corner, which saved the glass bottles; but every dovetailing is broken, the hinges wrenched off, the panels split." Of course the travelling is chiefly by diligence and canal boat, and for English ladies very often terribly rough and trying.

Henderson, however good and generous, was a stern man so stern, that he had ten years before given up a beloved son into the hands of justice for stealing; yea, stern ex corde as Cato, if generous ex crumena as Codrus. This resolution for a time brought back his love of freedom and adventure.

But for myself, I shall never be persuaded, that God hath shut up all light of learning within the lanthorn of Aristotle's brains: or that it was ever said unto him, as unto Esdras, "Accendam in corde tuo Lucernam intellectus"; that God hath given invention but to the heathen, and that they only invaded nature, and found the strength and bottom thereof; the same nature having consumed all her store, and left nothing of price to after-ages.

"De ventre inferi clamavi, et exaudisti vocem meam. "Et projecisti me in profundum in corde mans, et flumem circumdedit me*." * "Out of the belly of hell cried I, and thou heardest my voice. For thou hadst cast me into the deep in the midst of the seas, and the floods compassed me about."

In theory, however, no indulgence could remit the guilt or the eternal penalty of sin, and the purchaser of an indulgence was not only expected to confess and be absolved, but he was also supposed to be corde contritus, i. e., "truly penitent."

The name is useless, or positively baleful, unless a man has the threefold mark caritas in corde; veritas in ore; castitas in corpore of love in the heart, truth on the lips, pureness in the body. Here he told them that chaste wedlock was as pure as continence and virginity, and would be blessed as high. He lived as he taught always, but here he seemed beyond himself.

Next day, before dawn, the march began. The battalia was led by Van der Noot, with six companies of Hollanders. Then came Vere, with eight companies of the reserve, Dockray with eight companies of Englishmen, Murray with eight companies of Scotch, and Kloetingen and La Corde with twelve companies of Dutch and Zeelanders.