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On Italian console tables and French commodes we see the two simple curves disguised by terminal figures." There is a beautiful book by F.S. Robinson in which the entire subject of English furniture is treated in a most charming fashion. Now let us return a moment to the Jacobean period. It was under Charles I that couches and settles became prominent pieces of furniture.

Commodes were painted, or richly ornamented with lacquer panels, or panels of rosewood or violet wood, and all were embellished with wonderful bronze or ormolu. Many pieces of furniture were inlaid with lovely Sèvres plaques, a manner which is not always pleasing in effect. There were many different and elaborate kinds of beds, taking their names from their form and draping.

But let me tell you, sir, that angels are sometimes not very commodes a vivre. It may be they are too good to live with us sinners, and the air down below here don't agree with them. My poor mother was so perfect that she never could forgive me for being otherwise. Ah, mon Dieu! how she used to oppress me with those angelical airs!"

With its slow, regularly interrupted gait, dominated by the impassive yellow face of Norfolk, the whole band had an air of performing a solemn dance, and Udal shivered for a long time, till amidst the train of mules bearing leathern sacks, cupboards, chests and commodes, he saw come riding a familiar figure in a scholar's gown the young pedagogue and companion of the Earl of Surrey.

The "towers like comets" were doubtless commodes, which were in high fashion in Europe at the beginning of the eighteenth century until about the year 1711, though I have never found that the word commode was used in America. These commodes were enormously high frames of wire covered with thin silk, or plaitings of muslin or lace, or frills of ribbon and sadly belied their name.

These include cornices, window drapery, bedsteads, tables, chairs, bookcases, commodes, and other furniture, the titles of some of which occur for about the first time in our vocabularies, having been adapted from the French. Mr.

The furniture in the rooms was apparently simple, but, in truth, costly, from its luxurious comfort; the ornaments and china scattered about the commodes were of curious rarity and great value, and the pictures on the walls were gems. At dinner, no plate was admitted on the table.

«Des trous pratiqués dans le roc par les anciens aux endroits les plus commodes pour voir toute l'étendue de cette chûte prodigieuse, donnent le moyen d'observer sans risque la continuation des rochers qui s'avancent

I have heard in particular, that the Steenkirk arrived but two Months ago at Newcastle, and that there are several Commodes in those Parts which are worth taking a Journey thither to see. No. 130. Monday, July 30, 1711. Addison. ... Semperque recentes Convectare juvat praedas, et vivere rapto. Virg.

Wardrobes, commodes, chairs, boards, laths, bookshelves, bath tubs and washtubs, iron and wooden pipes, were piled together, and the interstices filled with sacks of straw and rags, mattresses, and carriage cushions. Whence came the planks yonder, if they were not stripped from the floor of some room?