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I have a great mind to tell him point-blank that his presence in this house at all events in Mr. Coe's absence is unwelcome; but I dare not do it; I am afraid." "Yes, your husband would be very angry, without doubt," said Mrs. Basil, thoughtfully. "That is not it. I am afraid of the man himself. He reminds me of that hateful creature what is he? in the opera, for which Mr.

While Kedzie was trying to fit her limber frame among the little hillocks and tussocks on the ground, Charity Coe was sitting at her dressing-table, gazing into the mirror, but seeing beyond her own image. Her lips moved, and her secretary wrote down what she said aloud, and her maid was kneeling to take off Charity Coe's ballroom slippers and slip on her bedroom ditto.

As a mere son of Solomon Coe's he would have beheld in him the whelp of a wolf, and treated him accordingly; but between the wolf and his offspring there was evidently as little of affection as there was of likeness.

Coe's father and I myself, as you heard me saying, have had a great deal to do with Carew. You knew him well, of course?" "Yes, Sir; I did." "And the place too, of course. It was a very fine one, was it not? Plenty of pictures, and looking-glasses, and things?" "It was very richly furnished." It was curious to mark the difference of manner between questioner and respondent.

And that's why the civil law has always had to protect people from " Doctor Mosely turned purple at the implication and the insolence. He scolded Jim loftily, but Jim did not cower. He was upheld by his own religion, which was Charity Coe's right to vindication and happiness. At length he realized that he was harming Charity and not Doctor Mosely.

Markham and Julia; and some of her young friends were occasionally attracted there for a ramble among the rocks and springs, from which Coe's creek, a little stream, arose. From the old road a path led to the fields of Judge Markham, about a fourth of a mile distant, which was the shortest route from his house to Coe's.

Then came the evening when Jim Dyckman telephoned her that he could not keep his appointment with her. It was the evening he responded to Charity Coe's appeal and met Peter Cheever fist to fist. Kedzie heard, in the polite lie he told, a certain tang of prevarication, and that frightened her. Why was Jim Dyckman trying to shake her? Once begun, where would the habit end?

"Lost, George?" taking him by both hands, and speaking coolly, "tell me all about it." A few great gasps had relieved George, and the cool, firm hands of Bart had fully restored his quick wits. "She and Nell Roberts had been to Coe's, and Orville started to go home with Julia, and he did go down to Judge Markham's fields, where he left her." "Well?"

I guess there was several hundreds of them altogether, taking it fine and large, retainers, hangers-on, and connections of one kind and another; but Coe's boldness took them by surprise, and not being in the secret of Mrs. Tweedie's carrying off, they weren't prepared or anything.

Coe's history, we came on the following letters, which will be read with amusement by old Clevelanders, as reminiscences of the ante-railroad period, and for the allusions to public and political events of that day, as well as for the contrast between the irascible tone of one letter, and the cool humor of the other: Messrs.