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The ceremony had been postponed on account of the illness of her mother, and was finally performed on the Sunday following the incidents last narrated. A meeting was to be holden in the primitive forest, near Coe's cabin, on the margin of a deep, crystal pool, formed naturally by the springs that supplied Coe's Creek. Few events happened in that quiet region, and this was an event.

I'll never forget that boat ride if I live to be a hundred; the drums rolling and re-rolling around the bay, and that strange humming of voices behind us like the wind in the rigging of a ship, and Coe and the Kanakas and the Chinaman and John Rau and the men pulling. But as for Coe's plan, we weren't long kept waiting for what it was.

"I did; she was going home from Coe's by the old road, and I went out of the woods with her." A long, hard-drawn breath from his mother, who saw that he took her question like a stab. "It is no matter, mother. It had to be over some time." "Barton! you don't mean, Barton " "I do, just that, mother," steadily. "She was kinder in her scorn than she meant. It was what I needed."

And indeed, it was an attractive sight, from the stand-point of color alone, comprising, as it did, nearly every shade of green, yellow, purple, blue, orange and red. The varieties attracting the most attention were Abundance, Arch Duke, Burbank, Coe's Golden Drop, Grand Duke, Quackenboss and St. Lawrence.

Along with these he seems to have seized Billy Coe, interpreter to the Hawaiians; and Poor, seeing his conspiracy public, burst with his boat's-crew into the town, made his way to the house of the native prime minister, and demanded Coe's release.

Bunnett's time was up at the farm, Bob took 'is dog out for a walk, and arter watching the farm for some time met the old gen'leman by accident up at Coe's plantation. "'Good arternoon, sir, he ses, smiling at 'im. 'Wot wunnerful fine weather we're a-having for the time o' year. I've just brought Joseph out for a bit of a walk.

Then his chuckle returned as he went his way, telling himself: "And the bes' of it was, I fit for him! I just had to git that man." He told the little porter about it, and when the little porter, who had been scared away from the Thropps and left to carry Charity Coe's dainty hand-bags, showed the big porter what he had received, still the big porter laughed. He knew how to live, that big porter.

The question of woman suffrage was presented before 621 organizations of men through the efforts of a committee formed for that purpose, under Mrs. Evelyn Peverly Coe's chairmanship. Women attended nearly all the primaries and town meetings, distributing literature and urging the men to vote yes. As the election approached the work along all lines grew more intensive.

And they were There! Jim Dyckman had always loved Charity Coe, but he let another man marry her a handsomer, livelier, more entertaining man with whom Dyckman was afraid to compete. A mingling of laziness and of modesty disarmed him. As soon as he saw how tempestuously Peter Cheever began his courtship, Dyckman withdrew from Miss Coe's entourage.

Pet had long been impatient of the celebration of Charity Coe's saintly attributes, and it had irked her to see so desirable a catch as Jim Dyckman squandering his time on a woman who was already married and liked it. He might have been interested in Pet if Charity had let him alone. Pet also was stirred with the detestation of sin in orderly people that actuates disorderly people.