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Updated: August 11, 2024

'Yes, to Miss Broadhurst, no doubt, said Miss Nugent, smiling, with a simplicity and openness of countenance which assured Lady Clonbrony that all was safe in that quarter: a suspicion which had darted into her mind was dispelled. 'No doubt. Ay, do you hear that NO DOUBT, Colambre? Grace, you see, has no doubt; nobody has any doubt but yourself, Colambre.

Lord Clonbrony, who had benevolent feelings, and was fond of his tenantry, was touched; and, when his son ceased speaking, repeated several times 'Rascal! rascal! How dare he use my tenants so the O'Neills in particular!

Some, indeed, who thought they had been neglected, were in too bad humour to laugh, but abused her in sober earnest; for Lady Clonbrony had offended half, nay, three-quarters of her guests, by what they termed her exclusive attention to those very leaders of the ton, from whom she had suffered so much, and who had made it obvious to all that they thought they did her too much honour in appearing at her gala.

Well, sir, go to law I am ready for you. Jack Latitat IS A MATCH for your sober solicitor." "Good morning again to you, Mr. Mordicai: we're fairly out of your clutches, and we have enough to do with our money." "Well, Sir Terence, I must allow you have a very wheedling way Here, Mr. Thompson, make out a receipt for Lord Clonbrony: I never go to law with an old customer, if I can help it."

Good-bye to you, and thank you kindly, and all happiness attend you. 'Good-bye to you, Sir Terence O'Fay, said Lord Clonbrony; 'and, since it's so ordered, I must live without you.

'Be easy, Mister Mordicai! you shan't make me break your bones, nor make me drop one actionable word against your high character; for I know your clerk there, with that long goose-quill behind his ear, would be ready evidence again' me. But I beg to know, in one word, whether you will take five thousand down, and GIVE Lord Clonbrony a discharge? 'No, Mr.

"I cannot I will not," replied Lady Clonbrony. "Is this your condition, Colambre? I take it exceedingly ill of you. I think it very unkind, and unhandsome, and ungenerous, and undutiful of you, Colambre; you my son!" She poured forth a torrent of reproaches; then came to entreaties and tears.

'Grace! cried Lady Clonbrony, 'do pray have the goodness to seal and send these notes; for really, whispered she, as her niece came to the table,'I CAWNT STEA, I cawnt bear that man's VICE, his accent grows horrider and horrider! Her ladyship rose, and left the room.

Dareville, whilst they were waiting for their carriages in the crush-room of the opera house. 'Oh yes! everybody's to be there, I hear, replied Mrs. Dareville. 'Your ladyship, of course? 'Why, I don't know if I possibly can. Lady Clonbrony makes it such a point with me, that I believe I must look in upon her for a few minutes. They are going to a prodigious expense on this occasion.

Burke, from Lord Clonbrony, which he gave to his wife as soon as he had read it, saying, "See the reward of all my services!" Mrs. Burke glanced her eye over the letter, and being extremely fond of her husband, and sensible of his deserving far different treatment, burst into indignant exclamations "See the reward of all your services, indeed! What an unreasonable, ungrateful man!

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