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In return for great entertainments she was invited to great entertainments, to large parties; but further she could never penetrate. At Lady St. James's, and with her set, Lady Clonbrony suffered a different kind of mortification from that which Lady Langdale and Mrs. Dareville made her endure.

Dareville, whilst they were waiting for their carriages in the crush-room of the opera house. 'Oh yes! everybody's to be there, I hear, replied Mrs. Dareville. 'Your ladyship, of course? 'Why, I don't know if I possibly can. Lady Clonbrony makes it such a point with me, that I believe I must look in upon her for a few minutes. They are going to a prodigious expense on this occasion.

Dareville was uncommon pleasant to-night "But now," said her ladyship, "let me take you to the Turkish tent."

'Now that is so cruel of your grace, said Mrs. Dareville, laughing, 'when poor Lady Clonbrony works so hard, and pays so high, to get into certain circles. 'If you knew all she endures, to look, speak, move, breathe like an Englishwoman, you would pity her, said Lady Langdale.

Dareville's mimicry, was almost too much for Lady Langdale; she could not possibly have stood it, but for the appearance of Miss Nugent at this instant behind Lady Clonbrony. Grace gave one glance of indignation, which seemed suddenly to strike Mrs. Dareville. Silence for a moment ensued, and afterwards the tone of the conversation was changed.

'Bless me! here is Lady Clonbrony come back. I thought she was gone half an hour ago! 'Mamma, whispered one of Lady Langdale's daughters, leaning between her mother and Mrs. Dareville, 'who is that gentleman that passed us just now? 'Which way? 'Towards the door. There now, mamma, you can see him. He is speaking to Lady Clonbrony to Miss Nugent.

"Well, then, since you will not allow me to talk of superior minds in the present day, let me ask you if you have never observed that a wit, once conquered in company by a wit of higher order, is thenceforward in complete subjection to the conqueror; whenever and wherever they meet." "You would not persuade me that yonder gentle-looking girl could ever be a match for the veteran Mrs. Dareville?

'Yes, and you CAWNT conceive the PEENS she TEEKES to talk of the TEEBLES and CHEERS, and to thank Q, and, with so much TEESTE, to speak pure English, said Mrs. Dareville. 'Pure cockney, you mean, said Lady Langdale. 'But why does Lady Clonbrony want to pass for English? said the duchess. 'Oh! because she is not quite Irish. BRED AND BORN only bred, not born, said Mrs. Dareville.

Positively, I could not for any body, and much less for that sort of person, extend the circle of my acquaintance." "Now that is so cruel of your grace," said Mrs. Dareville, laughing, "when poor Lady Clonbrony works so hard, and pays so high to get into certain circles." "If you knew all she endures, to look, speak, move, breathe, like an Englishwoman, you would pity her," said Lady Langdale.

'A tribe of daughters, too, I suppose? 'No, no, said Lady Langdale, 'daughters would be past all endurance. 'There's a cousin, though, a Grace Nugent, said Mrs. Dareville, 'that Lady Clonbrony has with her. 'Best part of her, too, said Colonel Heathcock; 'd-d fine girl! never saw her look better than at the opera to-night!