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The clock on the mantelpiece pointed to a quarter to eleven; the faint sound of the car had ceased. The lady of the feather boa had evidently taken her departure, and the house had resumed its cloistral silence. He waited a moment to make sure, then he went into the hall where a huge flunkey a new one, more curious than the others, was lounging near the door. "My hat," said Jones.

In the quiet of the early morning, when the shadows of the trees lay across the dewy grass, it was an angle of the earth as cloistral and withdrawn as heart of scholar or of anchorite could wish. On one side of the house lay a tiny orchard, and the windows of the living room looked out upon a mist of pink and white apple blooms.

Also he had certain fireworks up his sleeve whose brightness, when they were let off, would penetrate even to the most cloistral abode he had, that is to say, his Royal Commission to work on, and the preparation of a minority report which could not fail, when it was divulged, to startle the world.

She had not seen her nephew Sam for ten years, and would have been willing to extend the period. She remembered him as an untidy small boy who once or twice, during his school holidays, had disturbed the cloistral peace of Windles with his beastly presence. However, blood being thicker than water, and all that sort of thing, she supposed she would have to give him five minutes.

"Oh! it's perfect, as you will see. A bedroom for us and another for Reine. And it is so close to the works too. I get there in four minutes, watch in hand." He, Morange, was the son of a petty commercial clerk who had died on his stool after forty years of cloistral office-life.

With all his puissance it was not in his power to make Jeromes and Augustins; but he laid the foundation, in the cathedral churches and the great monasteries, of episcopal and cloistral schools for the education of ecclesiastics, and carrying his solicitude still farther, he recommended to the bishops and abbots that, in those schools, "they should take care to make no difference between the sons of serfs and of free men, so that they might come and sit on the same benches to study grammar, music, and arithmetic."

'What a charming creature! he exclaimed involuntarily. 'That is what everybody thinks, except her husband, Winifred laughed. 'Is he blind then? asked John with his cloistral naïveté. 'Blind? No, love is blind. Marriage is never blind. The bitterness in her tone pierced John. He felt vaguely the passing of some icy current from unknown seas of experience.

Among the pleasantest friends we made in Venice were the monks of the Armenian Convent, whose cloistral buildings rise from the glassy lagoon, upon the south of the city, near a mile away. This bulk "Of mellow brick-work on an isle of bowers"

They were accustomed to the regular life of hospital attendants hourly serving the patients their stipulated food and drink, to the rigid silence of cloistral monks who live behind barred doors and windows, having no communication with the outside world. The man was assigned the task of keeping the house in order and of procuring provisions, the woman that of preparing the food.

"What a charming creature!" he exclaimed involuntarily. "That is what everybody thinks, except her husband," Winifred laughed. "Is he blind then?" asked John with his cloistral naïveté. "Blind? No, love is blind. Marriage is never blind." The bitterness in her tone pierced John. He felt vaguely the passing of some icy current from unknown seas of experience.