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Heliobas was silent he seemed engaged in deep and anxious thought, and he kept his steadfast eyes fixed on Alwyn's countenance, as though he sought there the clew to some difficult problem. "What do you know of the Nunc Dimittis?" he asked at last, with a half-smile. "You might as well say PATER NOSTER, both canticle and prayer would be equally unmeaning to you!

The illustrious Delobelle had gone forth very early, intensely agitated, with his hat awry and rumpled wristbands, a sure indication of extraordinary preoccupation; and the concierge, on taking up the provisions, had found the poor mother half mad, running from one room to another, looking for a note from the child, for any clew, however unimportant, that would enable her at least to form some conjecture.

The great point he considered, therefore, was that the tent of his old enemy should be carefully watched, and that an endeavor should be made to hear something of what passed within, which might give a clew to the plan fixed upon.

To-morrow I will visit those huts in which the fishermen dwell; I may then find the man who sold the poignard, or at least a clew to the mystery." Diniz took one of the small hands in his, and pressed it reverently to his lips. "You will not go alone; I will be your companion. Together we shall work better. But your father will he consent to your accompanying me?"

Hence I should get into a labyrinth of expense, and difficulty, and uneasiness of mind, from whence I should not easily find a clew to guide me. The purser seemed more alive to this than to any other circumstance, and wished to get it from him. Pyke, however, had given it to me.

Brant was unable to get it out of his head that all this secrecy centred around Naida. With those incautiously spoken words as a clew, he suspected that Murphy knew something about her, and that knowledge was the cause for his present erratic actions. Perhaps Hampton knew; at least he might possess some additional scrap of information which would help to solve the problem.

Westerfield found him still seated at his desk, still surrounded by his books, still careless of the polite attentions that he owed to a lady. "Well?" she asked, "have you earned your money?" "I have found the clew." "What is it?" she burst out. "Tell me the substance. I can't wait to read." He went on impenetrably with what he had to say.

As may be supposed, Mrs. Braddell was at first very clamorous for the lost child; but Jane Prior kept her promise and withheld all clew to it, and Mrs. Braddell was forced to quit the place, in ignorance of what had become of it. Since then no one had heard of her; but Jane Prior says that she is sure she has come to no good.

Indistinctly, I made out that the weather sheet of the fore t'gallant had carried away, and the clew of the sail was whirling and banging about in the air, and, every few moments, hitting the steel yard a blow, like the thump of a great sledge hammer. "It's the shackle, or one of the links that's gone, I think," I shouted to Williams, above the noise of the sail.

"Take the rooms up stairs, and leave the task of telling him his peril to me: the sooner it is done the better. There is but a year at most not much too long to sell his goods, and get him away across the world, erasing every footstep behind him. If he leave one no matter how slight the clew Richard will track him like a blood-hound." "We will come here at once to-morrow," cried Harry, eagerly.