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"There's a bit of a reef to-leeward, where I dare say a man might pick up a living, arter a fashion," answered Bob, coolly; "then, here is the ship." "And how long would a hempen cable hold the ship in a place like this, where every time the vessel lifts to a sea, the clench is chafing on a rock? No, no, Bob the ship cannot long remain where she is, depend on that.

She certainly considered that it became her, as a woman, to display some reserve in her opinions, and to remain calm whilst the men grew more and more excited. Now and then, however, in the heat of the debate, she would let a word or a phrase escape her and "clench the matter" even for Charvet himself, as Gavard said. In her heart she believed herself the superior of all these fellows.

You wretched girl! When's the baptism to be?" Then he retreated a few steps further on seeing Silvere clench his fists. "And mind," he continued, with a vile sneer, "don't come to our house again. My father will kick you out if you do! Do you hear?" But he ran away howling, with bruised visage. For Silvere had bounded upon him and dealt him a blow full in the face.

Clench your nail; that's what I say; be it even so. Clench your nail; that's what you've got to do." "I dare say we shan't quarrel about the money, Mr. Bozzle." "Oh dear no. I find I never has any words about the money. But there's that one question. There's a young Mr. Stanbury has gone down, as knows all about it. What's he up to?" "He's my particular friend," said Trevelyan. "Oh h.

And this gentleman Lord Ellersdeane tells us that six weeks ago he entrusted jewels worth a hundred thousand pounds to your uncle's keeping they, too, are missing. What can we think?" The girl's face had flushed, and her brows had drawn together in an angry frown by the time Gabriel had finished, and Neale, silently watching her from the background, saw her fingers clench themselves.

This elaborate decoration of the ancient patrician house had become one of the sights of the city, and had often made Herr Casper, at the Honourable Council and elsewhere, clench his fist under his mantle, for it had drawn open censure and bitter mockery upon the arrogant man, but his desire to have it replaced by a more modest one had been baffled by the opposition of the women of his family.

By midday they were mounted and threading the forest paths that led to their comrades paths whence, from time to time, some vista in the woods disclosed the plain below, with here and there a column of smoke that made Sergius grind his teeth and clench his hands in impotent rage.

The reasons for the rule which it laid down had lost their meaning centuries before Gawdy and Clench were born, when owners had acquired the right to sue for the wrongful taking of property in the hands and the rule itself was a dry precedent likely to be followed according to the letter because the spirit had departed.

This Expedition of Alexander opens with his consulting the oracle at Delphos, in which the dumb Conjuror, who has been visited by so many Persons of Quality of late Years, is to be introduced as telling him his Fortune; At the same time Clench of Barnet is represented in another Corner of the Temple, as ringing the Bells of Delphos, for joy of his arrival.

The words of his song, "Through groves of palm," sung in such a scene and by such a lover, clench, as in a nutshell, the emphatic contrast upon which the tale is built. IN GUY MANNERING, again, every incident is delightful to the imagination; and the scene when Harry Bertram lands at Ellangowan is a model instance of romantic method.