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Updated: August 7, 2024

The whole town was flooded with a sort of exaltation, and there was a recrudescence of childishly superstitious beliefs, which broke out with all the spontaneity and vigour that usually characterises the manifestation of popular religious phenomena. What would have been the end of it if Schlatter had not so decisively and inexplicably disappeared?

The superb courage of these men, their marvelous seamanship, and their survival of all the perils of their thousands of miles' voyage were not lessened in interest or admiration by their personality. But one realized daily, as one saw them chewing their quids, devouring rudely the courses served by Lovaina, or talking childishly of their future, that heroes are the creatures of opportunity.

I said to myself, "Captain, the position is not tenable," when at length I perceived on the couch One sometimes is childishly ashamed, but I really dared not, and I waited for a long minute struggling between a sense of the ridiculous and the cold which I felt was increasing.

The path to Grandma's house was worn smooth by the feet of the many who came for advice, encouragement and for sheer love of the woman who lived in that little garden. And so Fanny went flying to Grandma now, perfectly, childishly confident that Grandma would and could fix up everything. She began to talk as soon as she opened the door.

For that fourth wall, the existence of which Mr Jerome K. Jerome rather quaintly and childishly suggested by the fender and fireirons laid in front of the footlights in The Passing of the Third Floor Back, really operates as a distorting glass, although it is not there. This sounds a little paradoxical, yet is clear enough.

Her challenge was answered. The fault was not there. Her arm dropped. She put down the light. 'I am handsome, she said to herself, her mouth quivering childishly. 'I am. I may say it to myself. Then, standing by the window, she stared into the night. Her room, on the opposite side of the house from Langham's, looked over the cornfields and the distance.

She saw me, and was irritated to be caught with moistened eyes. She scorns crying, like a man. "Come, come!" said she, childishly and snappishly, "what are you looking at?" Of course you cannot have any idea of her personal appearance from memory, and I will try to give you one by description.

"The present Mrs. Slosher is a pretty doll, and he is childishly infatuated with her; but his millions can not buy everything she demands." Ignorant of social interplay as Johnny Gamble was, he somehow divined that William G. Slosher's doll was the neighborhood reason for everything. "If you were only certain of what you intend to build there " she suggested, to break the helpless silence.

" I've never been decorated for informing people of their own affairs," he observed, " but I should say that you were about as much of an artist as I am." Frowning slightly, she reflected upon this reply. Then, of a sudden, she laughed. " There is no use in being angry with you, Rufus. You always were a hopeless scamp. But," she added, childishly wistful, "have you ever seen Fly by Night?

His long, dark hair fell about his thin face lankly, and it was an easy matter, by dropping his head, to hide his features completely. He was tall and, from much stooping over books or the work of his garden, was round-shouldered. When he looked you fully in the face, which he rarely did, it was noticed that his eyes were at once childishly friendly and deathly sad.

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