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Mansell was perfectly right; and seemed in nowise discomfited or conscious that there was any condescension on her ladyship's part in winking at an attachment between Miss Conway and a Dynevor of Cheveleigh.

Failing the presence of one so dear, he rejoiced, however, to be able to introduce to them his only daughter, and he begged that his friends would drink the health of the heiress of Cheveleigh, Miss Dynevor. Never did toast apparently conduce so little to the health of the subject.

He was obliged to take the answer into his own hands, since Oliver insisted that his mother was to be regarded in no light save that of Mrs. Dynevor, of Cheveleigh; and James was equally resolved that she should be only Mrs. Frost, of Dynevor Terrace.

It was much easier to line his tent with a tapestry of Maltese crosses, than to consider whether the hall should be covered with cocoanut matting. How Christmas passed with Clara, may be seen in the following letter: 'Cheveleigh, Jan. 1851. 'Dearest Jem, I can write a long letter to-night, for a fortunate cold has spared me from one of Sir Andrew's dinner-parties.

Before Easter, Charlotte's poor rival was lying at rest in Cheveleigh churchyard, and Jane's task of love was at an end. The lady sleeps O may her sleep, As it is lasting, so be deep! Heaven have her in its sacred keep!

Her father was the last male of the Dynevors of Cheveleigh a family mounting up to the days of the Pendragons and she had been made to take the place of an eldest son, inheriting the extensive landed property on condition that her name and arms should be assumed in case of her marriage.

He will never have an escutcheon of pretence like the one on the old soup tureen that the Lady of Eschalott broke, and Jane was so sorry for because it was the last of the old Cheveleigh china. Louis made another experiment. 'Have you repented yet of giving away your clasp? 'No, indeed! Miss Conway always wears it. She should be richly welcome to anything I have in the world.

I can tell him he need not be in no hurry about giving warning to Lady Conway. At Cheveleigh we'll have a solemn, steady butler, with no nonsense, nor verses, nor guitars forty years old and a married man. Charlotte took the advice, and acted with dignified contempt and silence, relieved to imagine that Tom had never been in danger from such a rival.

Ponsonby, as she recollected Wheal Salamanca and Wheal Catharine, and Wheal Dynevor, and all the other wheals that had wheeled away all Cheveleigh and half Ormersfield, till the last unfortunate wheal failed when the rope broke, and there were no funds to buy a new one.

If you could have seen how haggard and grieved he came home from Cheveleigh! I do not think he has been quite the same ever since. 'And No. 5 has never been the same, said Louis. 'Tell me, said Isabel, suddenly, 'are we very poor indeed? 'I fear so, Isabel. Till James can find some employment, I fear there is a stern struggle with poverty before you.