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If such repugnance to him were felt even by Louis, the least personally affected, and the best able to sympathize with his aunt; it was far stronger in James, abhorring patronage, sensible that, happen what might, his present perfect felicity must be disturbed, and devoid of any sentiment for Cheveleigh that could make the restoration compensate for the obligation so unpleasantly enforced; and Isabel's fastidious taste made her willing to hold aloof as far as might be without vexing the old lady.

Alas! for the memories that her brother had sown to spring up round him now! Apart from all these vipers of his own creating, James after all felt more in the cession of Cheveleigh than did his sister.

'So hard of transplantation that I doubt the possibility, said Isabel. 'You have made us take very deep root here. 'Have you ever seen Cheveleigh, Mrs. Dynevor? 'Never. 'Poor Oliver! you and I think no place equal to our birthplace, said Mrs. Frost. 'I should think Mrs. Roland Dynevor would find it compensation. How many beds did we make up, mother, the year my father was sheriff?

'Take care, James! said his wife, with the fond sadness of one whose cup overflowed with happiness; 'Clara's shepherdess may look fragile, but she has kept her youth and seen many a generation pass by of such as you depend on! 'She once was turned out of Cheveleigh, too, and has borne it as easily as Clara, said James, smiling. 'I suspect her worst danger is from Fanny.

He had only reached the landing-place, when beneath he heard the greeting 'Mother, I can take you home Cheveleigh is yours. But to her the words were drowned in her own breathless cry 'My boy! my boy! She saw, knew, heard nothing, save that the son, missed and mourned for thirty-four years, was safe within her arms, the longing void filled up.

Dynevor Terrace was said to have dark, damp kitchens, but by none who had ever been in No. 5, when the little compact fire was compressed to one glowing red crater of cinders, their smile laughing ruddily back from the bright array on the dresser, the drugget laid down, the round oaken table brought forward, and Jane Beckett, in afternoon trim, tending her geraniums, the offspring of the parting Cheveleigh nosegay, or gauffreing her mistress's caps.

'I defy riches to hurt you, said James, smiling. 'Ah! Jemmy, you didn't know me as a county grandee, she said, with a bright sad look, 'when your poor grandpapa used to dress me up. I'm an old woman now, past vanities, but I never could sit as loose to them as your own dear wife does. I never tried. Well, it will be changed enough; but I shall be glad to see poor old Cheveleigh.

Jane petted her now still more than Charlotte, and was always promising her the delightful air and the luxuries of Cheveleigh. 'See here, Charlotte, said Marianne, one afternoon when they sat down together to their sewing; Marianne's eyes were brighter, and her cheeks pinker, than for many days 'See here; it is for your good I show it you, that you mayn't build on no false expectations.

He had no turn for being a country-gentleman, he was fit for nothing but his counting-house, and he intended to return thither as soon as he had installed his mother at Cheveleigh; and so entirely did all his plans hinge upon his nephew, that even now he was persuaded to hold out his forgiveness, on condition that James would apologize, resign the school, and call himself Dynevor. Mrs.

James was obliged to say, 'Thank you! but any concession seemed to affect him like an injury. Grievous work was it to remain at Cheveleigh, under the constant dread of some unbecoming outbreak between uncle and nephew.