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In self-defence we hurried off for our walk, leaving the unpacking for later, and Sir Ralph proposed that we should find the machine shop where the Chauffeulier was working. We asked the way of a good many people, all of whom gave us different directions, and at last arrived at a building which looked as if it might be the right place.

The name of the castle was Soave; but when I heard that nothing startling enough to please me had happened there, I wouldn't know its history, for my fancy was equal to inventing one more thrilling. There was plentiful sensation, though, in the stories the Chauffeulier could tell of Napoleon's battles and adventures in this neighbourhood.

"If I had, I wouldn't " "Oh, don't say you wouldn't. I love to feel you had to," the Angel cried. "I hold you to your word, oh, with all my heart in my right to you. Beechy, your Chauffeulier and I are engaged." "There!" the child exclaimed, with a look at Ralph I couldn't fathom. "Didn't I tell you so?" "Well, it doesn't matter now, does it?" was his retort.

As for me, I've given him one for use behind his back, which is to make up for his lack of a title, express his gorgeousness and define his profession all at the same time. It is "Chauffeulier," and I rather pride myself on it. "It was only decent," he answered Mamma.

It was market day, the Chauffeulier explained hastily, over his shoulder, and the farmers and dealers who had bought creatures of any sort, were taking them away. As far as we could see through a floating cloud of dust, the long road looked like a picture of the animals' procession on their way to the ark.

"If there was much money in it, you had better have a professional diver come early to-morrow morning from the Arsenal," the Prince broke in. "I know an amateur diver who will get back the bag to-night now, within the next half-hour I hope," went on the Chauffeulier. "Indeed? Where do you propose to find him at this time?" asked the Prince.

I longed for some one to talk with, some one sympathetic to exclaim to; in fact, I wished I were driving up this magnificent, this appalling road, beside the Chauffeulier instead of in Prince Dalmar-Kalm's tonneau. I wondered that Aunt Kathryn usually so impulsive could restrain herself here, and expected at any moment to have her turn to me, our differences forgotten.

At home it had always seemed so useless to know which was which, Guelfs or Ghibellines, when I was studying history, that I made no effort to fix them in my mind; but now, when I caught snatches of talk between Maida and the Chauffeulier, to whom the Guelfs and Ghibellines are still apparently as real as Republicans and Democrats were to Papa, I wished that I knew a little more about them.

"Come now, tell me what name you've invented for me, Miss Beechy." I shook my head. "You've got a ready-made title. But you look too boyish to live up to it. The Chauffeulier would come up to my idea of a baronet better than you do." "Oh, you don't have to be dignified really to be a baronet, you know.

But before long we lost the sea and the lonely islands; for at a place named Segna our road turned inland and climbed a high mountain the Velebit at whose feet we had been travelling. As we were trying to make a run of more than a hundred and twenty-five miles a good deal for a heavily-loaded car of twelve horse-power the Chauffeulier kept the automobile constantly going "for all she was worth."