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Chaine des dames, ladies' chain. Chaine Anglaise double, double right and left. Chaine des dames double, all the ladies perform the ladies' chain at the same time. Chassez croisez, do the chassé step from left to right, or right to left, the lady passing before the gentleman in the opposite direction, that is, moving right if he moves left, and vice versâ.

By the time, however, that the fog had thoroughly disappeared, the sun had made its way down behind the gentle hills, and thence, as it with a slight chassez to the south, had come again fully into sight, glaring with a purplish lustre through a chasm that entered the valley from the west.

The step contains two movements, a glissade and a chassez, following each other quickly in the same direction. Gentleman begins as usual with his left foot; lady with her right. 1st beat. Glissade to the left with left foot. 2nd and 3rd beats. Chassez in the same direction with right foot; do not turn in this first bar. 2nd bar, 1st beat. Slide right foot backwards, turning half round.

I now made the effort to emancipate myself from my crib, and at last succeeded in getting on the floor, where, after one chassez at a small looking-glass opposite, followed by a very impetuous rush at a little brass stove, in which I was interrupted by a trunk and laid prostrate, I finally got my clothes on, and made my way to the deck.

"Yes; but he exemplifies the truth 'chassez le naturel, il revient au galop' for he was charged with abetting a street fight between two boys, which very nearly ended fatally. However, he was penitent, and Graham got him off with wonderful cleverness." "Ah!" said Montagu, sighing, "there was one who would have been the pride of Roslyn had he lived Poor, poor Eric!"

He advanced, hat in hand, with a peculiar sliding step, which instantly suggested "chassez across to partners." "Miss Vesta, I hope your health's good?" Miss Vesta held out her hand cordially. "Why, Mr. "This is a pleasure! Melody was sure it was you, and she ran off like a will-o'-the-wisp, when I could not hear a sound. But I'm very glad to see you.

Chassez croisez et déchassez, change places with partners, ladies passing in front, first to the right, then to the left, back to places. It may be either

Et comme les Anglais ne scanroient Que danser les Anglaises, Bonaparte leur montrera Les figures Françaises. Allons mes amis de grand rond, En avant, face a face, Français le bas, restez d'a plomb, Anglais changez les places. Vous Monsieur Pitt vous balancez, Formez la chaine Anglaise, Pas de cotè croisez chassez C'est la danse Française!

Logan, vous chassez de race. The old Restalrig blood is in your veins. 'My ancestors nearly nipped off with a king, and why can't I carry off a cook? Hustle her into a hansom 'Oh, bah! these are not modern methods. 'Il n'y a rien tel que d'enlever, said Logan. 'I never shall stain the cause with police-courts, said Merton. 'It would be fatal.

The entry of Charles II into Whitehall was the sign for unlimited indulgence in all that had lately been forbidden. "Chassez le naturel, il revient au galop." The Puritans had pent up for so long the natural cravings for pleasure and gaiety, that, when the barriers were withdrawn, license and debauchery were necessary to satisfy appetites which a long-enforced abstinence had made abnormal.