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The step is similar to that of the Deux Temps Valse, but the time is 2/4, and as quick as possible. Two chassez steps are made in each bar. The figure can be varied by taking four or eight steps in the same direction, or by turning with every two steps, as in the Deux Temps. Like all round dances, it admits of an unlimited number of couples.

Clear and mellow her voice sounded in the night air. "Chasseur, chasseur, chassez encore, Quittez Rosette et Jeanneton, Tonton, tonton, tontaine, tonton, Ou, pour, rabattre, des l'aurore, Que les Amours soient de planton, Tonton, tontaine, tonton."

Then whispered, smiling: "You are quite perfect, Duane; keep your head level, dear: "Chassez Rechassez En mesure! Saluez Gravement Noblement On s'avance Sans rompre la cadence. "Quite perfect, my handsome cavalier! Oh, we are doing it most beautifully" with a deep, sweeping reverence; then rising, as he lifted her finger-tips: "You are stealing the rest of my heart," she said.

"I'm perfectly aware of it." "Then why, my dear, resent, as you seem to do, the inevitable reassertion, in your own case, of the vital principle?" She laughed. "Chassez le naturel, il revient au galop. But that's just it. Is it a gallop or is it a crawl? I tell you, I thought myself immune for many years. But now, these last two or three days I'm beginning to feel a perfect idiot.

Senators, deputies, ex-ministers executed a chassez croisez movement through France, Italy and Britain, delivering diatribes against Austria-Hungary, arousing sympathy for Roumania, and proclaiming their country's resolve to strike a blow for justice, liberty and civilization. The names of Senator Istrati, M. Diamandy, and Dr.

To be singing that thing, which was only meant to be warbled by falling fountains in gardens, or in elegant alcoves in drawing-rooms, to be singing it here here, as I live, under the tarry lee of our long-boat. But he sang, and sang, as I watched the waves, and peopled them all with sprites, and cried "chassez!"

The good people of the borough had scarcely a chance, however, to get their eyes thoroughly open, when, just as it wanted half a minute of noon, the rascal bounced, as I say, right into the midst of them; gave a chassez here, and a balancez there; and then, after a pirouette and a pas-de-zephyr, pigeon-winged himself right up into the belfry of the House of the Town Council, where the wonder-stricken belfry-man sat smoking in a state of dignity and dismay.