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But, since you know nothing of any difficulties or embarrassments, I am persuaded that none exist. Nay, I CAWNT tell you that, Colambre. There are difficulties for ready money, I confess, when I ask for it, which surprise me often. I know nothing of affairs ladies of a certain rank seldom do, you know.

"Grace!" cried Lady Clonbrony, "do pray have the goodness to seal and send these notes; for really," whispered she, as her niece came to the table, "I cawnt stee, I cawnt bear that man's vice, his accent grows horrider and horrider!" Her ladyship rose, and left the room.

'Yes, and you CAWNT conceive the PEENS she TEEKES to talk of the TEEBLES and CHEERS, and to thank Q, and, with so much TEESTE, to speak pure English, said Mrs. Dareville. 'Pure cockney, you mean, said Lady Langdale. 'But why does Lady Clonbrony want to pass for English? said the duchess. 'Oh! because she is not quite Irish. BRED AND BORN only bred, not born, said Mrs. Dareville.

'With the fortune I brought your father, and with my lord's estate, I CAWNT understand the meaning of all these pecuniary difficulties; and all that strange creature Sir Terence says is algebra to me, who speak English.

He indicated a man sprawled in one of the bunks, who, despite a stubble of beard and ill-fitting sea clothes, was unmistakably a gentleman. "Don't know rum sort for a sailor. Got knocked on the head in a scrimmage. Cawnt remember nothing but his name, Francisco."

"Yes, and you cawnt conceive the peens she teekes to talk of the teebles and cheers, and to thank Q, and with so much teeste to speak pure English," said Mrs. Dareville. "Pure cockney, you mean," said Lady Langdale. "But does Lady Clonbrony expect to pass for English?" said the duchess. "Oh, yes! because she is not quite Irish bred and born only bred, not born," said Mrs. Dareville.

In a trench over in Flanders, during a slight lull in the engagement, a soldier was making an impromptu toilet. He lowered his head for an instant and thereby caught a cootie. As he did so, a shell fragment flew by, just where his head had been. He held the cootie in hand meditatively for a moment, and then said: "Old fellow, Oi cawnt give you the Victoria Cross, but I can put you back!"

"Sit down, my dear Colambre " And she began precisely with her old sentence "With the fortune I brought your father, and with my lord's estate, I cawnt understand the meaning of all these pecuniary difficulties; and all that strange creature Sir Terence says is algebra to me, who speak English.

But, considering your father's estate, and the fortune I brought him," added her ladyship, proudly, "I cawnt conceive it at all. Grace Nugent, indeed, often talks to me of embarrassments and economy; but that, poor thing! is very natural for her, because her fortune is not particularly large, and she has left it all, or almost all, in her uncle and guardian's hands.

I didn't come over 'ere to drown; I came over to fight. I wants to do me work but I cawnt do it. If you don't give me somethink Doc I am afraid I'll cut me bloody throat and I don't want to die. Cawn't you give me somethink to buck me up, Doc please?" The Doc did give him something, and between that and a little judicious "jollying" Kipple was a different man in a few days.