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"Be near me, Pether; stay wid me I'm very lonely. Is this you keepin' my head up?" "It is, it is! I'll never lave you till till" "Is the carman come from Dublin wid wid the broadcloth?" "Father of heaven! she's gone back again!" exclaimed the husband. "Father, jewel! have you no prayers that you'd read for her? You wor ordained for these things, an' comin' from you, they'll have more stringth.

I have not yet been able to interview Colonel O'Callaghan himself, but my information, backed by my own observation, may be relied on as accurate. The carman who drove me hither said "The Bodyke boys are dacent fellows, but they must have their sport. Tis their nature to be shootin' folks, an' ye can't find fault with a snipe for havin' a long bill.

John replied, "that he did suppose there might be such a thing as a boat farther on, but where, he could not say for sartain." Dismayed and helpless, they at last stopped to consult whether they had come the right road to the house. In the midst of their consultation there came up an Irish carman, whistling as he walked beside his horse and car.

I shall return to you again, but not the same being I was when I left your pleasant scenes this morning." "A happier being I trust," replied Miss Carman, one of her bridemaids. Rose Carman was a young friend, residing in the neighborhood of her father, to whom Irene was tenderly attached. "Something here says no." And Irene, bending toward Miss Carman, pressed one of her hands against her bosom.

Anthony shyly, but not without evident self-approbation, related how, having come by the train, he got into conversation with the driver of a fly at a station, who advised him of a cart that would be passing near Wrexby. For threepennyworth of beer, he had got a friendly introduction to the carman, who took him within two miles of the farm for one shilling, a distance of fifteen miles.

The carman then related all that he knew, every word of which strongly corroborated what Lamh Laudher had said. He concluded by declaring it to be his opinion, that the prisoner was innocent, and added, that, according to the best of his belief, the box was not open when he left it in the plaintiff's sleeping-room above stairs. The magistrate again looked keenly and suspiciously towards Nell.

I would send it to you, only it is a society book; but I do send by a carman two volumes of Alfieri's Life and Kirwan's Essay on Happiness, and the Drogheda edition of Parent's Assistant, which, with your leave, I present to your servant Richard. Mrs. Pakenham brought four children, and Mr. and Mrs. Thompson two sons, Mr. and Mrs.

The poor mother was in court, and sobbed as she heard the evidences of the guilt of her son. The presiding judge addressed the culprit, and asked if he had anything to say why sentence should not be pronounced against him. "Will it please your honor to ask my prosecutor to come a little nearer, so that I can look at him and your honor at the same time?" Mr. Carman was directed to come forward.

Carman, being a good swimmer, succeeded in catching a branch, and pulled himself up out of the water, which was very cold, and had almost chilled him to death; and there he sat, shivering and chattering in the tree. Lincoln, seeing Carman safe, called out to Seamon to let go the stanchion and swim for the tree.

When she reached the farm, she gave the carman a secret glimpse of the notes, while Hogarth, who was now there, went to seek the old Hogarth, for whom a nest had been made among the furniture in the cart. He was found above-stairs in an empty room, searching the floor for something. "Come, sir", said Hogarth, and led him step by step.