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Updated: August 7, 2024

Even the ears of man may detect the difference between the wing-whistlers of a flock of mallards or other slow-flying ducks and the humming screech of redhead or canvasback hurtling through the night with tremendous speed; and animals note such things more readily than man. In any event Breed knew of the coming storm many hours before the first soft flakes fell and melted on his yellow coat.

Food was good and cheap and in large variety in San Francisco in those days, and venison steak was as often served up to us at Frank's as beef, while canvasback ducks had not yet flown out of the poor man's sight; so we had many a savory meal there, generally served by a waiter named Monroe, with whom Mr. Stevenson now and then exchanged a friendly jest.

There was a famous cook Emeline Simmons a mulatto woman, who was equally at home in French dishes and Maryland-Virginia kitchen mysteries a very wonder with canvasback and terrapin who later refused a great money offer to he chef at the White House whom John was able to secure. Nothing could surpass could equal her preparations. The charges, like the victuals, were sky-high and tip-top.

"Canvasback duck?" she asked, and at that moment the servant set before the anxious inquirer a platter of these renowned birds, which you know something of already from the report our emissaries have given of their cult among the Americans. Every one laughed, and after the gentleman had made a despairing flourish over them with a carving-knife in emulation of Mr.

Newville asked, interrupting the narrative. "Canvasback! What may it be? Really, you have most astonishing things to eat over here," Lord Upperton replied. Mrs. Newville explained that it was a duck, and that it was regarded as a delicacy. "I never ate anything so delicious," said Upperton. Mr. Dapper also praised it. "Was the marriage of our king and queen a love-match?" Miss Chanson inquired.

In Creole Louisiana they should sample crawfish gumbo; and in Georgia they should have 'possum baked with sweet potatoes; and in Tidewater Maryland, terrapin and canvasback; and in Illinois, young gray squirrels on toast; and in South Carolina, boiled rice with black-eyed peas; and in Colorado, cantaloupes; and in Kansas, young sweet corn; and in Virginia, country hams, not cured with chemicals but with hickory smoke and loving hands; and in Tennessee, jowl and greens.

And yes, some small bird, beccasine, broiled lightly perhaps you will enjoy it after the canvasback, although I assure you those are excellent indeed. We have few sweets here, as M'sieu knows, but cheese, if you like, and of course coffee; and always we have the red wine which I remember M'sieu liked so much."

There was a famous cook Emeline Simmons a mulatto woman, who was equally at home in French dishes and Maryland-Virginia kitchen mysteries a very wonder with canvasback and terrapin who later refused a great money offer to he chef at the White House whom John was able to secure. Nothing could surpass could equal her preparations. The charges, like the victuals, were sky-high and tip-top.

We had turtle, and, among other good things, American canvasback ducks. . . . These dinners are certainly a good institution, and likely to be promotive of good feeling; the Mayor giving them often, and inviting, in their turn, all the respectable and eminent citizens of whatever political bias. About fifty gentlemen were present that evening.

The young lady who made the cheese you are eating, I dare say, would adorn the court of our queen," responded Mr. Adams. "Bless me! oysters, cranberries, succotash, canvasback ducks, wild turkeys, pumpkin pie, dairymaids ladies, wives the equals of their husbands! Rector, will there be anything beyond these in the New Jerusalem?" exclaimed Lord Upperton.

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