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Irving Wein, publicity director for Altamont Pictures, when interviewed by a reporter in his rooms at the Cadillac Hotel late today, said that Nita Leigh had been used for "bits" and as a dancing "double" for stars in a number of recent pictures, including "Night Life" and "Boy, Howdy!", both of which have dancing sequences.

I had only one day the start of Cadillac, and in that time I must collect an army. But if success were within human reach I was well armored to secure it, for I carried a desperate heart. So if I say we went swiftly, it conveys no meaning of what we really accomplished. We paddled as long as our arms would obey us, slept sparingly, and paddled again. Singing Arrow was worth two men.

"They were drunken fellows, no doubt," said Wanita. "It is told of the Sieur Cadillac that he weakened the rum and would allow a man only so much. It is a pity there is no such strictness now. The White Chief tries." "Is he chief of the Indians?" she asked, vaguely. "Oh, no.

Cadillac was not in his first youth, and had abused himself. His look meant fatigue. "Ottawas, Hurons, Pottawatamies, Malhominis, Chippewas, Sacs, Winnebagoes." I counted them off to him. "Monsieur de la Mothe-Cadillac, it is a sight worthy your eyes. New France has not seen such a gathering since the day when Saint Lusson planted our standard at the straits and fourteen tribes looked on."

A glow of enjoyment such as he had sometimes experienced when the ticker at the Cadillac Hotel informed him that the man he had backed in some San Francisco fight had upset his opponent for the count began to permeate Keggs. "Disappeared, madam," he repeated. "Perhaps Mrs. Winfield took him with her to Tuxedo." "No, madam. Mrs. Winfield was alone. I was present when she drove away."

"The plucky beggar!" I said half aloud, and I set my teeth hard. But Cadillac was nudging my elbow. "You said that the prisoner was a man of importance," he accused, with a perplexed frown. "But, listen! He has the voice of a boy." I was greedy to hear, so, with a wave of the hand, I shook Cadillac away. But, in truth, I was disturbed. The tones were certainly boyish.

He stopped a moment. "Why, man, you sicken me!" he cried, and he slashed at me with his sword as if I were a reptile. I took my own sword, and laid it on the table. "I am a fool," I said, not for the first time that day. "But how will Frontenac look at your handing a white man over to torture?" Cadillac put up his sword. "My orders are plain," he said, tapping a sheaf of papers on his desk.

"From all I could overhear, they are here to look over the situation and exchange peace belts with the Hurons. If they can command a sufficient force, they will fall on us now; if not, they will rejoin the main camp and come to us later." Cadillac fingered his sword. "It is rather desperate," he said quietly, and he smiled. "But we are not conquered yet. We shall have some scalps first."

"Oh sure, we never let anyone do that for us," one of the Bridgeboro scouts laughed. "If you want a thing well done, do it yourself especially eating," Roy said. "A scout is thorough." "Do you know Chocolate Drop? He's cook," Peewee piped up. "He makes doughnuts as big as automobile tires." "Not Cadillac tires," Roy said, "but Ford tires. Peewee knows how to puncture them, all right."

"I sent Longuant there. I was sure that Pemaou would keep you away, and I am playing for time. So long as the Ottawas and Hurons are squabbling with one another, Cadillac will not deliver the prisoner. But we must get them farther away. Singing Arrow, I have brandy in my cargo. I have drawn off two large flasks. Could you carry them to the other end of the camp, and send word among the braves?"