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Before I could say more, the mayor entered my cachot with the officers of the police, and informed me that a procès-verbal had been held; that my friend had been able to give the clearest answers to all their questions; and that it appeared from the evidence of Monsieur Talbot himself, that it was an affair d'honneur, fairly decided; that the brace of pistols found in the water had confirmed his assertions.

Before I could say more, the mayor entered my cachot with the officers of the police, and informed me that a proces-verbal had been held; that my friend had been able to give the clearest answers to all their questions; and that it appeared from the evidence of Monsieur Talbot himself, that it was an affaire d'honneur, fairly decided; that the brace of pistols found in the water had confirmed his assertions: "and therefore, monsieur," continued the mayor, "whether your friend lives or dies tout a ete fait en regle, et vous etes libre."

"I had a strange dream," said Jeannette; "I thought you were all taken by a revenue cutter, and put in a cachot. I went to see you, and I did not know one of you again you were all changed." "Very likely, Jeannette you would not be the first who did not know their friends again when in misfortune. There was nothing strange in your dream." "Mais, mon Dieu! je ne suis pas comme ça moi."

Newton, who had no wish to be acquainted with a French cachot sooner than it was absolutely necessary, gave the promise required by M. de Fontanges, assuring him that ingratitude was not a part of his character. M. de Fontanges then requested that Newton would accept of a portion of his wardrobe, which he would direct to be sent to the room that would be prepared for him.

This was a cachot with an iron-grated window on each of its four sides, but without glass. There was no bench, or table, or anything but the bare walls and the pavement. The wind blew sharply through. I had not even a great-coat; but I felt no cold or personal inconvenience, for my mind was too much occupied by superior misery. The door closed on me, and I heard the bolts turn.

The gendarmes who apprehend him, the commissioner who questions him, those who take him to prison, the warders who lead him to his cell which is actually called a cachot, a dungeon or hiding-place, those again who take him by the arms to put him into a prison-van every being that comes near him from the moment of his arrest is either speechless, or takes note of all he says, to be repeated to the police or to the judge.

Cachot relates the case of a woman of fifty-three, who was delivered of a living child by means of the forceps, and a year after bore a second child without instrumental interference. She had no milk in her breasts at the time and no signs of secretion.

Though unseen beings throng round us all, though as a child I had been conscious of them, though I had actually seen one, in these first school years of mine the machinery I had for seeing the usually unseen was eclipsed; my recondite self was fast in his cachot and I didn't know that he was there!

Some men lose their minds in the Cachot Noir, though its horrors have been mitigated of late years. But Dalahaide's brain did not fail; and he has proved a valuable man at secretarial work. Also during the plague, three years ago, he volunteered as a nurse, and was admirable.

"Qu'est ce qu'il y a, mon ami?" said Madame de Fontanges, rising hastily and running up to her husband. Monsieur de Fontanges answered by putting the governor's letter into his wife's hands. "Ah! les barbares!" cried Madame de Fontanges, "est il possible? Pauvre Monsieur Nutong! on l'amene au cachot." "Au cachot!" cried all the coloured girls at a breath, and bursting into tears "oh ciel!"