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In that year the section from Topeka to Burlingame, consisting of about twenty-eight miles, was opened for traffic, and a year later the extension to Emporia was finished, thus making a total of sixty-one miles under operation. The terms of the land grant provided that the entire line across Kansas should be completed by June, 1873.

Burlingame didn't she ask you how you ferreted the thing out?" I asked. "Yes," said Holmes. "But I told her that that was my secret, that my secret was my profession, and that my profession was my bread and butter." "But she must have asked you who was the guilty person?" I persisted.

For this, after some efforts had been made by friends to bring about an amicable understanding, Brooks sent him also a challenge. Mr. Burlingame accepted the challenge, and his second designated the Clifton House in Canada as the rendezvous and rifles as weapons.

He saw faces turned to him, a few with intense curiosity, fewer still with a little furtiveness, some with amusement, and many with unmistakable approval; for one thing was clear, if his own evidence was correct: he was the son of a baronet, he was heir-presumptive to a baronetcy, and he had scored off Augustus Burlingame in a way which delighted a naturally humorous people.

That was her lucky moment, and she spoke as she did just in time, for Kitty was beginning to resent her deeply; to dislike her far more than was reasonable, and certainly without any justice. Kitty spoke up quickly. "Well, you see, he was always kind and good to other people, and that was why " "But that Mr. Burlingame did not like him?" The wife had a strange intuition regarding Mr. Burlingame.

The mutilated dignity of his manhood, the broken pride of a lifetime, the bitterness in his heart need not be held in check in dealing with the man who waited to give him a last thrust of enmity. He left the house. Burlingame was seated on the stump of a tree which had been made into a seat. "Come to my room if you have business with me," Crozier said sharply.

Harry walking toward Chinatown, when he had told her distinctly he would be in Burlingame! She thought of the goldsmith shop and there returned to her the memory of how Harry and the blue-eyed Chinaman had looked when she had turned from the window and seen them standing together in the back of the shop. "You do look ill," Clara remarked. "Why don't you stay in bed, and not try to see any one?"

"You have got my story, and it's bad enough, but you can see it's not what Burlingame suggested." "Burlingame but Burlingame's beneath notice," rejoined Kitty. "Isn't he, mother?" Mrs. Tynan nodded. Then, as though with sudden impulse, Kitty came forward to Crozier and leaned over him. The look of a mother was in her eyes.

"Yes," was the reply, "except for Joe Ventner. He's a detective sent on from New York by this Burlingame person, the lawyer to whom I referred a short time ago." "What part of the world is he searching?" asked Will. "He seems to think that the boys ran away because of some childish prank put on by them the night before.

A number of Abolitionists, headed by Henry Wilson and Anson Burlingame, of Massachusetts, sought admission into the lodges, knelt at the altars, pledged themselves by solemn oaths to support the "Order," and then used it with great success for the destruction of the Whig party. Another noted person who visited Washington early in the Administration of Mr.