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The Cardinal proposed that I, as the fittest person, should go and assure the people that the Queen would consent to the restoration of Broussel, provided they would disperse.

"Yes, I think I received a flower-pot upon my head." "Brutes!" said D'Artagnan. "But were you not on horseback? you have spurs." "Yes, but I got down to defend Monsieur de Comminges and my horse was taken away. Here it is, I see." At this very moment Friquet passed, mounted on Raoul's horse, waving his parti-colored cap and crying, "Broussel! Broussel!" "Halloo! stop, rascal!" cried D'Artagnan.

M. de Beaufort told the First President next day that, the State and royal family being in danger, every moment was precious, and that the offenders ought to receive condign punishment, and that therefore the Chambers ought to be assembled without loss of time. Broussel attacked the First President with a great deal of warmth.

As for you, your captain is the prince, understand that rightly; you have no other. But has one ever seen such a wild fellow," continued he, "making himself a Mazarinist and helping to arrest Broussel! Breathe not a word of that, or the Comte de la Fere will be furious." "You think the count will be angry with me?" "Think it?

"Very well, sir," replied Broussel, "what is this order?" And he held out his hand. "I am commissioned to seize your person, sir," said Comminges, in the same tone and with the same politeness; "and if you will believe me you had better spare yourself the trouble of reading that long letter and follow me."

He kept his word, and desired me to give him an account of the state of affairs, and when I had done so we agreed that I should continue to push the Cardinal by means of the Parliament; that I should take his Highness by night incognito to Longueil and Broussel, to assure them they should not want assistance; that the Prince de Conde should give the Queen all the marks of his respect for and attachment to her, and make all possible reparation for the dissatisfaction he had shown with regard to the Cardinal, that he might thereby insinuate himself into the Queen's favour, and gradually dispose her to receive and fallow his counsels and hear truths against which she had always stopped her ears, and that by thus letting the Cardinal drop insensibly, rather than fall suddenly, the Prince would find himself master of the Cabinet with the Queer's approbation, and, with the assistance of his humble servants in Council, arbiter of the national welfare.

Are you going?" added she to Comminges. The latter smiled. "Come, sir," said he, addressing Broussel, "silence that woman and follow me." "Silence me! me! me!" said Nanette. "Ah! yet one wants some one besides you for that, my fine king's cockatoo! You shall see."

Planchet! here! saddle our horses, take your carbine." "Whom are we going to attack, sir?" "No one; a mere matter of precaution," answered the Gascon. "You know, sir, that they wished to murder that good councillor, Broussel, the father of the people?" "Really, did they?" said D'Artagnan. "Yes, but he has been avenged. He was carried home in the arms of the people.

Honest Broussel, who always went greater lengths than anybody, was for excluding all cardinals from the Ministry, as well as foreigners in general, because they swear allegiance to the Pope. The First President, thinking to mortify me, lauded Broussel for a man of admirable good sense, and espoused his opinion; and the Prince de Conde, too, seemed to be overjoyed, saying, "It is a charming echo."

"And you are not leaving Paris, then?" she asked after a moment's pause. "I cannot now," I answered. "Then," she laughed, "the furrier's niece and Monsieur Broussel will meet again. Au revoir, Chevalier!" And she was gone. The next day, about the time appointed by La Marmotte, I presented myself at Maître Barou, the armourer's, store.