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Four horses, saddled and accoutred, were conferring with their heads close together. The four bridle-reins were flung over a post. Upon the calm green of the land, typical in every way of peace, the hues of war brought thither by the troops shone strangely. Mary, gazing curiously, did not feel that she was contemplating a familiar scene. It was no longer the home acres.

So far as she knew, it led nowhere, and yet, to her astonishment, not a hundred feet away a saddled horse, with bridle-reins trailing, stood cropping the leaves of a stunted mesquite. "That's funny," she said aloud in a low tone. As she spoke the horse threw up his head and stared at her, ears pointed inquiringly.

She leaped upon the back of the pinto and dragged the grey after by his bridle-reins. She was back at the stalled wagon in a few moments. Already the flames could be seen along the western horizon as far as the unaided eye could see anything, leaping under the pall of rising smoke.

If local politics sought to crush him to use him as a puppet for their puny machinations, he would smash their crude machine and rebuild the politics of this new land upon principles as clean and rugged as the land itself. It should be his work! With the light of a new determination in his eyes, he caught up the bridle-reins of the horses and pushed open the gate of the corral.

Buck deserved it and more. He helped Buck into the saddle, took the short rope in his hands, and hobbled Buck's feet under the horse, grasped the bridle-reins, and mounted Rattler. Without a word he set off up the rough trail toward Hardup, leading Buck's horse behind him. "Before you go, Buck, I want to tell you that you needn't jolly yourself into thinking your death will be avenged. It won't.

"I want to see Uncle Joe on business, anyhow, and you'll like the ride better than the journey by stage." Leaving the horses standing with their bridle-reins hanging on the ground, she led the way to the office. "When father comes in, tell him where I've gone, and send Mr. Norcross's packs by the first wagon. Is your outfit ready?" she asked. "Not quite. I can get it ready soon."

Pink and Weary went over and took the dragging bridle-reins of their mounts, caught a stirrup and swung up into the saddles silently. "And say!" Happy Jack called softly, as they were going down the slope. "Yuh better bring a blanket." Weary nodded, and they rode away, their horses stepping softly in the thick grasses.

Tying the bridle-reins over the saddle-horn, and fastening a note to the saddle, in case any one should find the horse, he turned the animal's head back the way he had come, and, with a sharp blow, started it forward. He knew that the horse one of Carleton's would probably make its way home. Turning, he set his face toward the lonely peak; carrying his canteen and what was left of his lunch.

Her white scoop-bonnet was hanging from the pommel of the saddle, the bridle-reins drooped carelessly upon old Selim's neck, and her hands, encased in white linen "half hands," were crossed in her lap. She was looking out across the country with a far-away, dreamy expression.

Now we'll go down here in the shade and practice shooting. I brought plenty of shells, and I want to learn you how to handle a gun." Silently she followed him down the slope on the side toward the Basin. He stopped beside the pinto, took it by the bridle-reins and, whipping out his gun, fired it once to test the horse. The pinto twitched its ears at the sound and looked at Starr. Starr laughed.