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Monsieur, who had returned to 'lansquenet', seemed overwhelmed with shame, and his son appeared in despair; and the bride-elect was marvellously embarrassed and sad. Though very young, and likely to be dazzled by such a marriage, she understood what was passing, and feared the consequences. Most people appeared full of consternation.

Harewood, she put both her hands into his, and said, with a low but earnest voice "My dear, dear sir, I do most truly rejoice in the prospect of any good that can befall your family; I saw the the young lady the bride-elect she is very pretty I hope she will be as good as she is handsome; and I " Matilda suddenly stopped, unable to articulate the rest of her good wishes, and Mr.

But they are glad of the news that their master will marry and that a good time is coming for them. "Thrice welcome to Haughton Hall, my dear guest," said Col. Haughton, taking the hand of his bride-elect and leading her up the steps; "your future mistress, and if you are as faithful to us both as you have been to myself you will do well." "Thank you kindly, master," said the old butler.

May He give you health and grace to bear your burdens and do your duties as wife and mother, and save and bless you and yours, now and ever more, for Christ's dear sake. She arose in silence from her knees, put her arms around his neck, kissed him, and glided from the room. And now a terrible and mysterious thing happened to the bride-elect. The lights had been turned very low in the hall.

Oh, Ishmael, I feel as though we were arranging a procession to the grave instead of the altar," he added, with a heavy sigh. Then correcting himself, he said: "But this is all very morbid. So no more of it." And the judge wrung Ishmael's hand; and each went his separate way to dress for the wedding. Meanwhile the bride-elect sat alone in her luxurious dressing room.

"Both bride-elect and bridegroom-to-be attended High Mass at the Catholic Church on Sunday, when the Rev. Father Wix, in apprising parishioners of the near approach of Lent, caused an irresistible smile to ripple over the faces of his hearers. Toujours perdrix may sate in the long-run, but perpetually to faire maigre is attended with even greater discomfort.

She was a tall, sallow-faced girl, with the true aristocratic expression of "I-won't-tell-you-anything-at-all" stamped on her face. She was to be married the following week, and had all the airs of a bride-elect. This young lady raised her pince nez to watch the Bells as they ascended the steps. "Who are those extraordinary people?" she whispered to her mother. "I'm sure I don't know, my dear.

"Take this back to Judge Markham," she said to the girl, and then resumed her bouquet-making, wondering if every bride-elect were as wretched as herself, or if to any other maiden of twenty the world had ever looked so desolate and dreary, as it did to her this morning.

Life became an enchantment to the little bride-elect, as life in Italy will become to any one who has not too heavy a cross to bear. For peace in this beautiful land means delight, not merely the absence of pain. How the sun shone! and how the fountains danced! What roses bloomed everywhere! what fruits of Eden were everywhere piled! How soft the speech was! and how sweet the smiles!

Percifer wired us from New York the day the bride-elect started, and she was to wire us from Ogden, which she did. I went to the train to meet her, and I told Tom to be on the watch for the bridegroom, who would come in from his ranch on the Snake River, by wagon or on horseback, across country from Ten Mile. To come by rail he'd have had to go round a hundred miles or so, by Mountain Home.