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In Washington during those next few days, events of the Earth, Venus and Mars swirled and raged around Georg as though he were engulfed in the Iguazu or Niagara. Passive himself at first a spectator merely; yet he was the keystone of the Earth Council's strength. The Brende secret was desired by the publics of all three worlds.

He had no means of defending himself against their aggression. But at the first flash of hostile rays, the Brende model would be destroyed forever. And Georg Brende the only living person who had the knowledge to replace the model would die instantly. The Brende secret would be lost irrevocably.

He checked his words, and started forward. But Dr. Brende was with him, and in doubt what to do I followed with Elza. We entered the nearest building, into a low, dim room, with doors on the sides. In the silence I seemed to hear my heart pounding my ribs. Elza's face was pale and perturbed, but she smiled very courageously at me. "Wait!" said Georg. "You wait here."

We were riding easily little wind, almost none and were doing 390 miles an hour. You cannot bank or turn very well at such a speed; it is injurious to the human body. But our course was straight north. Dr. Brende showed it to me on his chart north, following the 70th West Meridian. Compass corrections as we got further north and astronomical readings, these would take us direct to the Pole.

She had, now as always in the Venus Central State, a tremendous sentimental sway upon her people. Tarrano had abducted her, forcibly to remove her from the scene of action, so that during her unexplained absence his propaganda would have more influence. He had brought her here to Earth; and now his plan was to have Georg Brende and her fall in love with each other.

Georg, at last, pulled me away; he led the girl to a couch and sternly bade her sit there without moving. She seemed willing enough to do that; she still had not spoken, but her eyes were watching us closely. Dr. Brende was examining the smashed instruments. "Ruined. We cannot use them. Those messages we must send them. I must talk to Robins "

You do not know, of course, that Mars " "I know nothing," she interrupted. "You have kept me from the news-mirrors, if indeed there are any here " "Mars revolted against me," he went on imperturbably. "The Little People are again in control. Fools! They do not realize, those governors of Mars, that their public ultimately will demand this Everlasting Life of mine the Brende secret " She frowned.

Withdraw the patrol, and Tarrano himself might go back to Venus. He would wait a day for answer to this request; and if it were not granted if the patrol were not entirely removed then the Brende model would be destroyed. And if the publics of three worlds wished to depend upon a conceited, ignorant young man like Georg Brende for the everlasting life, they were welcome to do so.

For one he desired the Brende model and Dr. Brende's notes. He had them now; they were, in reality, at this present moment in the Great City of Venus. Also, with the Brende secret to control it absolutely he had to have Georg Brende. Well, as I was soon to realize, Georg was now his captive. And the Princess Maida? His purpose in holding her was two-fold.

In a corner stood the Brende instrument, fully erected. A light from it seemed penetrating the bared chest of a man who was at that moment standing in its curative rays. He whom Tarrano called Cretar, took a step forward. "Master, we " "Making yourselves immortal?" The anger had left Tarrano's voice; irony was there instead. "Master " "Have you done that?" "Master yes! Yes! We did!