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Even greater than its real value as a medical discovery, it swayed the popular mind. Tarrano possessed the Brende secret. The only model, and Dr. Brende's notes were in his hands. Washington had ordered him to give them up, and he had refused. But now the status was changed. Georg held the secret also and Georg was in Washington. It left the Earth Council free to deal with Tarrano.

You have promised it to Earth. They demand " Tarrano rasped: "Tell them to wait ... I don't want Venus, Olgan.... Megar! Give me the Earth Mountain Station." He turned to me, and his voice dropped again to that characteristic sardonic drawl: "We must see how your friend Georg Brende is faring." The mirror showed Georg, standing irresolute on the platform before the sending discs.

Georg waved it at the mob. "Slaans " His stronger voice caught their attention. A sudden hush fell. "Slaans it is I, Georg Brende. Your Princess Maida rules you now only under me. A new ruler, slaans the man of Earth Georg Brende who must be obeyed Georg Brende, soon to be husband of your Princess " But they would not hear him out. The din from them submerged his voice.

There was no doubt about it now; Ahla had planned to keep us on the island while her people came and seized us. Fortunately the Brende car was well housed and barred. We saw that the gates had been tampered with, but with the limited time Ahla had to work in, she had been unable to force them. We swung them wide, and to our infinite relief found the car unharmed. At once Dr. Brende called Robins.

"They said nothing," Dr. Brende put in. "The flash of a dozen helioed words no more." "It went dark, like Venus?" "No. Just discontinued. I judge they're excited up there the Bureau disorganized perhaps I don't know. That was the last we got at the house, just before you came down. There may be something in there now you Inter-Allied people are pretty reliable."

He had already recalled it, in fact. He assured the Council that it was now on its way back, direct to Washington. He had done this because he felt that the Earth leaders were making a mistake a grave mistake in the interests of their own people. Georg Brende was in Washington that was true.

Ahla was sitting obediently where I had left her. "You stay there," I told her. "If you move, I'll break every bone in your rotten little body." Back at the landing stage I found Dr. Brende in despair. Headquarters could not raise Robins. They had relayed the message to Wrangel and Spitzbergen Islands but the stations there reported similarly. Dr. Brende's laboratory did not answer its call.

It was a very small incident, but in view of what was transpiring, it gave me a shock nevertheless. For Elza's maid was a Venus girl! Spy in the House The insulated room was small, with a dome-shaped ceiling, no windows, and but one small, heavy door through which we entered, closing it carefully behind us. "At last," Dr. Brende exclaimed. "Now we can talk freely." But I was not satisfied.

Georg read it from the tape to Maida: "To the Earth Council from Tarrano, its loyal subject " A grimly ironical note, yet so worded that the ignorant masses would not see its irony. It stated that Tarrano could not comply with the demand that he deliver himself and the Brende model to Washington because he did not have the model. It was on its way to Venus. He now proposed to recall it.

He now became more openly alert and earnest than I had ever seen him. The light from the tube along the side wall edged his lean, serious face with its silver glow. "I've a proposition for you, Georg Brende. Between men, such things can be put bruskly. Your sister her personal decision will take time. I would not force it. But meanwhile I do not like to hold you and her as captives."