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This decided us. We had no wish to remain where we were. The Brende car, far larger than the small one of mine, was fully equipped and provisioned. We rolled it out, and in a moment were flying in the air. Dr. Brende's car was large, commodious, and smooth-riding. A pleasure to fly in such a car! Georg was at the controls.

"Where is she?" "In the cookery, where she should be. I told her we would eat in an hour. That ought to keep her busy." Dr. Brende made an attempt at a smile. "I think we are all a little overwrought though with reason, no doubt. Sit down, Jac. Elza, come here by me. Don't look so solemn, child." He drew Elza to him, with his arm about her. I would have spoken, but his gesture checked me.

The Little People of Mars unquestionably would remain friendly with us, with the Brende light to be developed on Earth and shared with them. They would see Tarrano perhaps, for what he was a dangerous, unscrupulous enemy.... If only Georg could escape.... An hour went by with murmured thoughts like these. A friend coming to help us? How could he reach us? And how help us to escape?

It came, of course, as I planned. This Little People government it was annoying ... Colley!" "Master?" "Send the message, Colley. Fling it audibly over Mars! Tell the rulers of the Little People that if they send up the green bomb of surrender Tarrano will spare them further bloodshed. Tell them that I am not giving the Brende secret to Earth. In a moment I shall defy the Earth Council.

Olgan! Are they quiet on Venus?" "Yes, Master." "Congratulate them that we have conquered the Little People. Tell them Mars is ours now! Tell them I am coming to Venus at once with the Brende model...." "Master, you wish to see Venus? I have direct communication " Another voice interrupted. "The Earth Council, Master! They demand an explanation of why you say the Brende model is going to Mars.

"Queer that I should meet you again, Lady Elza. Yet, I must admit, it comes not by chance, for I contrived it. My prisoner! Dr. Brende's daughter, held captive by little Taro!" It seemed to amuse him, this whimsical reminiscence of those days when he was struggling unknown. "I want to confess something to you, Lady Elza. You were so far above me then daughter of the famous Dr. Brende.