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Updated: August 22, 2024

"A lady!" he gasped, and then fell back a pace or two on seeing Adela, with a look which was very much like disappointment. "You here, Mrs. Branston!" he exclaimed; "I you are the last person in the world I should have expected to see." Perhaps he felt that there was a kind of rudeness in this speech, for he added hastily, and with a faint smile,

There was an absent far-away look in his eyes: and Adela Branston felt all at once that her presence was nothing to him; that this desperate step which she had taken had no more effect upon him than the commonest event of every-day life; in a word, that he did not love her. A cold deathlike feeling came over her as she thought this.

I got into the carriage, and bid Branston, who shut the door, good-bye, and kissed hands to Mrs. Rusk, who was smiling and drying her eyes and courtesying on the hall-door steps. The dogs, who had started gleefully with the carriage, were called back by Branston, and driven home, wondering and wistful, looking back with ears oddly cocked and tails dejected.

On one particular Sunday in August, a brilliant sunny, breezeless day, such a day as would under ordinary circumstances conduce to certain drowsiness even in the most piously disposed, the church-goers of Little Branston were preternaturally alert, if not quite so attentive as usual. For behold!

Branston, turning towards them her full anxious eyes. "You do alarm me, Miss Stiles! And I've been letting Tommy quite loose, as you may say, these last few days with his appetite back and all, there seemed no danger." "Well, if you find him feverish when you get home tonight," said Ellen, "don't he surprised. All the excitement of the Jubilee too will be very bad for him."

She wants me to dine with her next Sunday, and I half promised to do so. Will you come too? I know that she would be glad to see you." "I cannot see that I am wanted, John." "But I tell you that you are wanted. I wish you to go with me. Mrs. Branston likes you amazingly, if you care to know the opinion of so frivolous a person." "I am very much flattered by Mrs.

Giles paused mechanically, and gazed at the billowing grass; and then he went on a little, and stopped again at the next gap in the hedge, where Jim had pointed out the splendid view of Branston. "I could wish," he muttered, as he turned away, "we was goin' to tea at the rectory now."

"Why will he not accept the smallest favour from me?" Adela Branston asked plaintively. "He ought to know that there is no arrière pensée in any offer which I make him that I have no wish except for his welfare. Why does he not trust me a little more?" "He will do so in future, I think, Mrs. Branston," Gilbert answered gravely.

Branston received her guests in the back drawing-room, a smaller and somewhat snugger apartment than the spacious chamber in front, which was dimly visible in the light of a single moderator lamp and the red glow of a fire through the wide-open archway between the two rooms. In the inner room the lamps were brighter, and the fire burned cheerily; and here Mrs.

Until this hour she had looked upon John Saltram's fidelity to herself as a certainty; she knew, now that her hope was slain all at once, what a living thing it had been, and how great a portion of her own existence had taken its colour therefrom. It was fortunate for Mrs. Branston that Mrs.

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