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"When a reflective man of middle life walks along the embowered paths of Oxford and Cambridge or through their quadrangles whose walls have echoed to the footsteps of so many brainy men of England, he realizes what these institutions have been and still are to Great Britain and the Empire."

The more we eat of these refined products the worse off we are, unless we partake freely of other foods rich in mineral salts. Not long ago a lady died in England who was a prominent advocate of a "brainy diet." Her brainy diet consisted largely of excessive quantities of meat, pork being a favorite. She died comparatively young, her friends say from overwork.

From time to time a brainy civilian walks in, like Cardwell or Haldane, and saves it from becoming patently ridiculous. But it never really alters. When I was War Secretary in a transient government it was precisely the same as it had been in the reign of the Duke of Cambridge, and to-day it is still precisely the same.

He may be brainy, but not too brainy social, but not too social religious, but not too religious. He must trim his sails to suit every breeze of the community; his mental qualities must be acceptable to the contemporary ancestors by whom he is surrounded, or he does not fit. The bitterness in those words is evident, but the truths they contain are important.

"Some of the worst rotters the world has ever been cursed with have been brainy enough men and women. We make too much fuss about brains; just as once upon a time we did about mere brute strength, thinking that was all that was needed to make a man great. Brain is only muscle translated into civilization. That's not going to save us." "You've been thinking," Joan accused her.

Clinching her small hands and stamping her little foot she defied even death to hurt poor Jim, good Jim, brainy Jim, who was to astonish the world some day by his wisdom! "Oh! If you'd only have told me before! I would have had him found long, long ago! To think of that poor fellow wandering around alone, sick, crazy, suffering not knowing where he was or what he was doing!

In them fond old days when a girl didn't seem attractive enough for marriage she took up a career school-teaching probably and was looked at sidewise by her family. It's different now. In this advanced day a girl seems to start for the career first and take up marriage only when all other avenues is closed. She's the one that is now regarded by her brainy sisters as a failure.

What I mean to say is, Bohemian licence and what not. Broadway's crammed with deuced brainy devils who don't care how they look. Probably this bird is a master-mind of some species." "All the same, man's no right to wear evening-dress coat with tweed trousers." "Absolutely not! I see what you mean." At this point the sartorial offender turned. Seen from the front, he was even more unnerving.

'Purely in self-defence, he said, 'purely in self-defence. What else could the man of spirit do? A mere tap to discourage an aggressive movement. The policeman stood silent, weighing matters in the balance. He produced a notebook and sucked his pencil. Then he called the conductor of the tram as a witness. 'A brainy and admirable step, said Psmith, approvingly.

"You admit, then, that she has a head?" demanded the Girton Girl. "It has always been a theory of mine," returned the Philosopher, "that by Nature she was intended to possess one. It is her admirers who have always represented her as brainless." "Why is it that the brainy girl invariably has straight hair?" asked the Woman of the World. "Because she doesn't curl it," explained the Girton Girl.