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You know that Jordas was obliged to put a set of curtains from end to end even of the bowling-alley, which is so beautifully sheltered; and even then poor Pet was sneezing. And you should have heard what he said to me, when I was afraid of the sheets taking fire from his warming-pan one night. Pet is unaccountable sometimes, I know.

"Gotta da peach?" asked the Kid in the tongue of Dante, the lover of lovers. "Ah, no, " sighed the vender. "Not for one mont com-a da peach. Too soon. Gotta da nice-a orange. Like-a da orange?" Scornful, the Kid pursued his quest. He entered the all-night chop-house, café, and bowling-alley of his friend and admirer, Justus O'Callahan.

We prided ourselves because there was no summer hotel with a demoralizing bowling-alley, and one of those dangerous chutes, in our village. We felt forbiddingly calm and superior when now and then some strange city people from Grover, the large summer resort six miles from us, travelled up and down our main street seeking board in vain.

On hearing this, Dick Taverner shouted "To the rescue! to the rescue!" and rushed into the house, followed by the 'prentices, who loudly echoed his cries. "Par ici, Messieurs! Par ici! this way, this way!" vociferated Cyprien, who met them in the passage "the bowling-alley there they are!" But the Gascon's directions were scarcely needed.

They reached the intersection of the main street, and as they faced the closed doors of the Oriental their left flank was toward Wyatt Earp. They filled the roadway and the front ranks surged upon the sidewalk toward the portals of the gambling-house. Then some one who had seen the prisoner taken to the bowling-alley shouted the tidings.

It is fifty churches with its arms of Christian usefulness stretched out toward the young men. If a young man come in mentally worn out, it gives him dumb-bells, parallel bars and a bowling-alley with no rum at either end of it. If physically worsted, it rests him amid pictures and books and newspapers.

Do not speak of it; don't tell," and she looked anxiously in the direction of the bowling-alley. "I am a great deal better;" and to his astonishment for the fearful, rigid look upon her face had frightened him she rose with composure and proposed going home.

Beyond the first court is a more spacious and less artificial lawn, set with fine trees, and at the bottom of it is the brown building containing ballroom and theatre, bowling-alley and closed tennis-court, and at an angle with the second lawn is a pretty field for lawn-tennis. Here the tournaments are held, and on these occasions, and on ball nights, the Casino is thronged.

At the same instant he was once more aware of that delicate pressure, that weight so lightly, sweetly borne upon his arm. It startled him, and again he followed the road, which with a sudden turn brought him in sight of a hotel and in sound of a bowling-alley, and therein young ladies' cackle and laughter, and he wondered a little scornfully who could be spending the summer there.

She looked on up the street, which ran straight as a bowling-alley between two rows of shabby brick houses, all low, small, mean, unmistakably cheap, thrown together for little people to live in. West Laurence Avenue was drab and commonplace, the heart, the crown, the apex of the commonplace.