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He had honestly expected that Allen would refuse to take him seriously when he cast him adrift. They had quarrelled before and nothing had come of it, so he had no reason to think that this would be any exception. He knew the boy's tastes, and while blaming him for his extravagances, he was proud to have him "live like a gentleman." Even with the income assured from the position given him by Mr.

"Never had anything worse than measles and doesn't remember them." "What I'd like to know," said the doctor, "would be his opinion after several weeks of something unpleasant. He might feel more like blaming the devil. What does he think doctors are fighting? God? By Jove, I must have this out with McClintock!

I am not speaking of a vocation, sir, but of prejudices, of fatal habits, of disheartening nonsense, which children, and especially young girls, imbibe in certain surroundings. The education which my daughter has received, has inoculated her with ideas which I am far from blaming in a woman I have my religion myself too but the abuse of which I resent.

This message Bell gave to Katy, and then tried to form some reasonable excuse for her mother's and Juno's absence, for she could not tell how haughtily both had declined the invitation, Juno finding fault because Katy had not waited longer than two years, and Mrs. Cameron blaming her for being so very vulgar as to be married at home, instead of in church, where she ought to be.

"About then," he said, "I had nothin' but Jenny and twenty dollars gold that I had loaned to Ruddy Boyd. Hans" he pointed to a stout German sitting on the Carolinian's left "wouldn't give me any more credit at the store." He whined and sniffled. "I'm not blaming you one mite, Hans," he said, "but I had to have flour and bacon, and all I had was twenty dollars gold that Ruddy owed me.

But she cut me short, going on inexorably: "I am merely your housekeeper, and rather a poor one at that, from your point of view. You ignore me. I am not blaming you for it you are made that way. It's true that you have always supported me in luxury, that might have been enough for another woman. It isn't enough for me I, too, have a life to live, a soul to be responsible for.

"Depend upon woman to throw the blame upon a man." "I'm not blaming you. I'm only trying to make you happy." "You go about it in a very peculiar way." "You have been cross with me all the evening without any cause." "Oh, there isn't any cause except you make me tired." Corny took out his card case and looked over his collection. He selected one that read: "Mr.

You may now think that I am uncharitable in blaming my relations for want of affection, and I should readily agree with you had I not convincing reasons to the contrary; one of which is that I have always been the jest of the family and it is not I alone who make this observation, for then it might very well be attributed to my suspicion but here I will leave it and tell you some news.

"I left the king," he concluded, "perfectly convinced that a sinful intimacy must subsist between your friend and the Egyptian Princess, whose heart I had believed to be a mirror for goodness and beauty alone. Can you find fault with me for blaming him who so shamefully stained this clear mirror, and with it his own not less spotless soul?"

Not a whit rebuffed, Mr. Bisset straightway resumed his narrative. "A perfectly proper principle if the man was capable of telling the truth. I'm no blaming her ladyship at that point, but where she departit from the proper principles of evidence " "When did Rattar come?" "This morning," said Cicely. "And can you believe it? he absolutely denied that he had ever advised me to go away!"