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Updated: August 20, 2024

In spots, he was certainly the latter. The locality into which his destinies had led him lay in the tumultuous centre of the Hills, about thirty miles from Custer and ten from Hill City. Spanish Gulch was three miles down the draw. The Holy Smoke mine, to which Bennington was accredited, he found to consist of a hole in the ground, of unsounded depth, two log structures, and a chicken coop.

But Bryce, two years after the capture of Ticonderoga, well sustained the family name and honor while fighting with Stark at Bennington.

"You men will vote a strike. I can see that. But you'll regret it to your last day. I've nothing more to say. I helped you once when old man Bennington was alive, but I guess you've forgotten it." Ben sat down in silence. "We'll proceed with the voting," said Morrissy. Half an hour later there was a cheer. The men would go out Monday, if the demands of the committee were not acceded to.

It all came out in a series of charming conversations, when, in the evening twilight, they gathered in the room where the sick man lay. Mary as Bennington still liked to name her occupied the rocking chair, and the three young men distributed themselves as best suited them. It was most homelike and resting.

Possibly the fact that he had not completed his account of the wreck of the Waldo had troubled him, as any work left unfinished troubles a progressive or conscientious man. But whether or not he had been disturbed about his diary, he was happier than usual after he had completed the task. His physical condition had been greatly improved under the careful nursing of Mrs. Bennington.

"Oh, come over here and tell me how you happened," Leigh cried eagerly. Grass River people blamed the two years of the University life for breaking Thaine Aydelot's interest in Jo Bennington. Not that Jo lacked for admirers without him. Life had been made so pleasant for her that she had not gone away to any school, even after her father's election to office.

Bennington wondered vaguely who Bill might be, but he was beginning to feel a little tired from the excitement and his wound, so he said nothing. "The next thing is grub," remarked Fay, rising and gathering his pony's reins. "I'll mosey up to the shack and see about supper. You fellows can sit around and talk until I get organized." He turned to move away, leading his horse.

"The clod-hopper, Buckeye farmer," Jim added affectionately, and they drank to Asher's health. "Lord bless you, Aydelot. You said the money was in the soil, not on top of it. I remember you looked like a prophet when you said it," Cyrus Bennington declared. "But I was wild to get rich quick and let my soil go.

The report of the Secretary of the Navy shows a gratifying increase of new naval vessels in commission. The Newark, Concord, Bennington, and Miantonomoh have been added during the year, with an aggregate of something more than 11,000 tons.

Had the boys known it, they were, in their camp near the head of Kaludiak Bay, not more than thirty miles distant across the mountain passes to the head of Uyak Bay, which makes in on the west side of the island, and which was the first great inlet to be searched by the boat crews of the Bennington.

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