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The original is benditos, which sometimes means simpleton, but is here equivalent to the Italian beato, and must be rendered as in the text.

Sending two prints of the design of the Beato Lorenzo, and most humbly recommending myself, "I am Your Catholic Majesty's "most devoted, humble servant, "From Venice, the 1st of August, 1571."

Ogni dolcezza, ogni pensiero umile Nasee nel core a chi parlar la sente; Ond' e beato chi prima la vide. Quel ch'ella par quand' un poco sorride, Non si pub dicer, ne tener a mente, Si e nuovo miracolo gentile." DANTE: la Vita Nuova. By that delightful morning when the hay-ricks at Stone Court were scenting the air quite impartially, as if Mr.

The title Il Beato is usually conferred by the church, but it was given to Fra Angelico by the people, because of his saintly character and works. It was in 1407 that Fra Angelico was admitted to the convent in Fiesole, and after seven years of peaceful life there he was obliged to flee with his companions to Foligno.

Later on our artist was called Fra Angelico, and again Il Beato Angelico, and then, according to Italian custom, the name of the town from which he came was added, so that he was at last called Il Beato Giovanni, detto Angelico, da Fiesole, which means, "The Blessed John, called the Angelic, of Fiesole."

Her eyes were set on the wall, on which the musty paper hung in tatters, fit frame for the wretched, poverty-stricken room, but they saw neither poverty nor want; her aged limbs felt not the cold draught from without, in which they shivered; they looked far over the seas to sunny Italy, whose music was in her ears. "O dolce Napoli," she mumbled between her toothless jaws, "O suol beato "

With true Sicilian naivete the priest added: "He is growing rich! Beato lui! He for one will not need to go to your golden America. Is it true, Signore, that in America any one who wishes may be rich?" "Quite true," smiled the young man. "Even our beggars are rich." The priest wagged his head knowingly. "My mother's cousin, Alfio Amato, he is an American. You know him?" "I'm afraid not."

He has robbed the figure of the Lord of its transcendant majesty; he has not been able to impart to the ranks of the blessed the look of blessedness which 'Il Beato' himself might have conveyed. The chief excellence of the picture is in the ranks of the condemned, who writhe and rebel against their agonies. No wonder that the picture is sombre and dreadful.

One other good Lorenzo is here, an "Adoration of the Magi," No. 39, a little out of drawing but full of life. But for most people the glory of the room is not Lorenzo the Monk, but Brother Giovanni of Fiesole, known ever more as Beato, or Fra, Angelico. Two Angelicos are in this room the great triptych, opposite the chief Lorenzo, and the "Crowning of the Virgin," on an easel.

We cannot trace Caterina's artist life step by step, but she doubtless worked with the same spirit of consecration and prayer as did that Beato whom we call Angelico, in his Florentine convent, a century earlier. Caterina executed many miniatures, and her easel pictures were not large. These were owned by private families. She is known to us by two pictures of "St.