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The King, however, being stubborn for his own terms, the negotiations came to nothing; and by the end of January 1645-6 it was the general rumour that he meant to baulk the Parliament, and take refuge with the Scottish army at Newark. Till April 1646, nevertheless, he remained irresolute, hoping against hope for some good news from the South-west. No good news came from that quarter.

The approach to this palace of pleasure was by a road formed by the rude fragments of stone gathered from the fields, and it was surrounded by ploughed, but unenclosed land. Upon a baulk, that is, an unploughed ridge of land interposed among the corn, the Laird's trusty palfrey was tethered by the head, and picking a meal of grass.

"Thump!" came the timber on the gate again, and even the hinges shook in their stone setting. "Listen!" said Yasmini. There was another noise up-street a rushing to and fro, and a trumpeting that no one could mistake. "I said that " "Thump!" came the baulk of timber not so powerfully as before. There was distraction affecting the team-work.

This, O my son, is what happened, and now I desire that thou baulk me not in what I am about to say to thee; it is that I purpose to marry thee to my youngest daughter, for she is a virgin and born of another mother, and I will take no dower from thee, but on the contrary will appoint thee an allowance, and thou shalt be to me as my very son. 'I will well, replied I; 'how could I hope for such good fortune? Then he sent at once for the Cadi and the witnesses and married me to his daughter, and I went in to her.

"Hey! was your lordship praying me to be present at your own execution?" answered the Knight. "Troth, my lord, it will be a painful sight to a friend, but I will rather punish myself than baulk you. It is a pretty pageant, in the main a very pretty pageant. The fallow came on with such a bold face, it was a pleasure to look on him.

All of which, so Mrs Todgers told Miss Pecksniff, spoke as plain English as the shining sun. 'My dear Miss Pecksniff, you may depend upon it, said Mrs Todgers, 'that he is burning to propose. 'My goodness me, why don't he then? cried Cherry. 'Men are so much more timid than we think 'em, my dear, returned Mrs Todgers. 'They baulk themselves continually.

If the fellow can get anything in the shape of a gentleman to carry it, I have the greatest mind in life not to baulk him. Psha! what would people say if I were to go out with a tipsy mountebank, about a row with an actress in a barn!" So when the Major saw Dr. Portman, who asked anxiously regarding the issue of his battle with the dragon, Mr.

He decided that it was sent by God for some holy purpose, and to call out into existence some higher good; and he thought that if it were faithfully taken as His decree there would be no passionate, despairing resistance to it; nor yet, if it were trustfully acknowledged to have some wise end, should we dare to baulk it, and defraud it by putting it on one side, and, by seeking the distractions of worldly things, not let it do its full work.

James Hutchings looked round, considered the coast sufficiently clear, caught her to him, kissed her, and said huskily: "You're just a ministering angel, Lizzie, and there's more sense in your little finger than in all my fat head. I'm feeling a different man, and I'll baulk them yet." "Of course you will, Jim," said Elizabeth, and she opened the door.

Boderie, the King's envoy in Great Britain, wrote that James would be willing to make a defensive league for the affairs of Cleve and Julich only, which was the slenderest amount of assistance; but Henry always suspected Master Jacques of intentions to baulk him if possible and traverse his designs. But the die was cast.