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"I'm not quite firm on my legs yet," he laughed, "and I must n't topple over, as Miss Batterson has left me for a whole hour." "Oh, then I'll stay and wait on you!" beamed Polly. "And if you get tired hearing me talk, you can go to sleep." But the Colonel seemed very wide awake, and after a gay chat he began: "Dr.

The director finished his remarks, combed his beard with his fingers, and sat down. A momentary pause ensued. Then Messieurs Westgate and Batterson rose together. Seeing the chairman nod towards the latter, the secretary thought: 'Mistake! He should have humoured Westgate by giving him precedence. But that was the worst of the old man, he had no notion of the suaviter in modo! Mr.

In his opinion they were in safe hands, and he was glad to register his support of the measure proposed. The chairman had well said in his speech: 'de l'audace, toujours de l'audace! Shareholders would agree with him that there could be no better motto for Englishmen. Ahem! Mr. Batterson sat down. And Mr.

Batterson perpetuating their memory with his stately monuments, and our fire-insurance comrades taking care of their hereafter.

Batterson, the big baritone of the club, Batterson with the resonant voice, surpassed all his former efforts by singing, when the cheese and salads were served, a Bedouin love-song, with such power and pathos and to the accompaniment of a native instrument so skilfully handled that the room rose to its feet, waving napkins, and the great Carvalho, the famous tenor a guest of Crug's, each member could invite one guest who was singing that week at the Academy of Music, left his seat and, circling the table, threw his arms about the singer in undisguised admiration.

He is furious at the prospect, but it can't be helped. "I'm so sorry," mourned Polly. Then, seeing that there was no likelihood of a story or even talk from the Doctor, she proposed, softly to Leonora, that they go upstairs. "No, stay here with David, if you wish; you're not in the way. I'm going back with Miss Batterson."

Major Lyon would retain the command of the Riverlawn Cavalry, and Major Richland that of the other squadron of Kentucky cavalry, while Captain Batterson would remain at the head of the battery on the field, attached to the brigade.

"If he names you 'Eva," let him think he is right, and call him 'Uncle David." "I'm afraid I shall make a mistake," replied Polly. "You won't," he assured her. "Just imagine you are his little niece, doing everything to please him that is all." Miss Batterson smiled down on Polly, as she entered the sick-room, and spoke in a low voice to the physician.

He did not seem inclined to talk, and the girls waited at the window, conversing in low tones over their dolls. By and by Dr. Dudley came up the walk, and Polly ran to open the door for him. The physician acknowledged the attention with a grave smile, and then went directly to the telephone, calling for Miss Batterson. David sat up. The girls listened breathlessly.

Batterson perpetuating their memory with his stately monuments, and our fire-insurance comrades taking care of their hereafter.