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She stood with her slender arms hanging down, her scarcely defined bosom rising and falling regularly, and with bated breath and glittering, frightened eyes gazed straight before her, evidently prepared for the height of joy or misery.

Up early, and bated at Petersfield, in the room which the King lay in lately at his being there. Here very merry, and played us and our wives at bowls.

After a second, I asked once more, with bated breath, "Is he gaining?" She looked back. "Yes; gaining." A pause. "And now?" "Still gaining. He is poising an assegai." Ten seconds more passed in breathless suspense. The thud of their horses' hoofs alone told me their nearness. My finger was on the trigger. I awaited the word. "Fire!" she said at last, in a calm, unflinching voice.

In the house lights were moving to and fro, while servants, with bated breath and light footfalls, hurried through the long corridors toward her father's room. No one seemed to notice Pluma, in her dripping robe, creeping slowly along by their side toward her own little chamber. It was quite midnight when her father sent for her. Pluma suffered him to kiss her, giving back no answering caress.

He meant to get this matter straight before morning. So, feeling his way along in the blackness, listening, halting at every moment with bated breath, he came at last to the back door, and drawing himself up to the steps, took the knob in his hand and turned it. To his surprise it yielded to his touch, and the door came open.

Then there had followed the colonel listening with bated breath St. George's account of Kate's confession and Harry's sudden exit, Rutter's face brightening as it had not done for years when he learned that Harry had not yet returned from the Seymours', the day's joy being capped by the arrival of Dr.

Carry!" she exclaimed over and over again, not aloud, and indeed her voice was never loud, but with bated wonder. The two sisters held each other by the hand, and Carry's other hand still grasped her mother's arm. "Oh, mother, I am so tired," said the girl. "Oh, mother, I think that I shall die." "My child; my poor child. What shall we do, Fan?" "Bring her in, of course," said Fanny.

How he succeeded in making it so imposing was the puzzle, for after all, his descent was undoubtedly a series of hops, but all the same it was very majestic, and Hugh felt greatly impressed, and watched him with bated breath. "One, two, three, four," said Hugh to himself, half unconsciously counting each step as the raven advanced, "what a lot of steps!

From all which, and every other instance of their continued prostitution of the discipline instituted by Christ in his church, and of that authority, which he, as a Son over his own house, has given unto faithful gospel ministers, to the contempt and scorn of an ungodly generation; the Presbytery cannot but testify against them, as guilty of exercising a tyrannical power over the heritage of the Lord; and to whom may too justly be applied, the word of the Lord, spoken by his prophet, Isa. lxvi, 5: "Your brethren that bated you, that cast you out for my name's sake, said, Let the Lord be glorified: but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed."

Poor old man! his heart was breaking; but his soul was so brightly comforted that there, where many, many long miles off, I see him standing, desolate and patient, in the corner of yon crowded market- place, holding Sir Isaac by slackened string with listless hand Sir Isaac unshorn, travel-stained, draggled, with drooping head and melancholy eyes yea, as I see him there, jostled by the crowd, to whom, now and then, pointing to that huge pannier on his arm, filled with some homely pedlar wares, he mechanically mutters, "Buy" yea, I say, verily, as I see him thus, I cannot draw near in pity I see what the crowd does not the shadow of an angel's wing over his grey head; and I stand reverentially aloof, with bated breath and bended knee.