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Updated: August 26, 2024

"That remark is very stale; I think I've heard you use it before. Your efforts at wit are painful. I suppose you're pretty confident, after beating both Barville and Clearport? Now I'm confident myself; I have confidence " "You look like a confidence man," interrupted Chipper.

If you do " He stopped, unable to continue. "Oh, yes," said Herbert slowly, "I think I know what you mean. Of course I'm not going back on my word to a pal." "Then give me the money I let you have to bet on Barville." "Why, that money's gone. We lost it." "Yes, but you pledged yourself to make good any loss I might sustain. There are reasons why I must have that money back right away, too."

"Oh, a fellow can pick his way along pretty well after our roads get settled. Of course, they're no macadamized boulevards. It's lots of sport, and one can get around almost anywhere he wants to go. As long as I'm not going to be on the baseball team, I might use it to run over to Barville or Wyndham or Clearport to see the games."

For a moment there seemed some doubt as to its nature, but the umpire pronounced it a "ball." "Close, Grant close," said Eliot. "You should have had him. Never mind, you'll get him next time." There was a hush. Involuntarily, the Barville crowd ceased its uproar. Grant, taking Roger's signal, nodded and twisted the ball into the locking grip of two fingers and a thumb.

Miss Haldane met this difficulty with a suggestion, which could only have proceeded from a judgment already disturbed by the ravages of the tender passion. 'Why can't his father and mother go and see him at Lord Montbarry's? she asked. 'Sir Theodore's place is only thirty miles away, and Lady Barville is Lord Montbarry's sister. They needn't stand on ceremony.

"So long, fellows," said the boy from Barville, as they turned up Main Street. "You'll have a chance to be happy Saturday. Bet all you can on it, Rackliff, old fel." Thus began the friendship between Roy Hooker and Herbert Rackliff. Henceforth they were seen together a great deal.

"I have a fancy that Barville is going to win," stated Herbert, not a whit abashed. "In fact, I believe it so much that I'm willing to make a little bet on it." "Bet you a pint of peanuts," gurgled Chub Tuttle. "Don't ruin yourself by such recklessness. I've got some real money." "Dinged if he ain't a sport!" sneered Site Crane. "He wants to bet real money on the game."

Julien then turned toward her, to try and get her on his side as a partner who has been cheated out of an unexpected fortune. He hurriedly told her about the conspiracy to marry off Rosalie and about the gift of the Barville property, which was worth at least twenty thousand francs. He said: "Your parents are crazy, my dear, crazy enough to be shut up!

"Oh, Herbert knows they've given me a rotten deal," said Hooker quickly. "He's got his opinion about it. Honestly and truly, we'd both like to see Barville win." "If that is the case," whispered Roberts, with a secretively friendly and confidential air, "you're just about dead sure to have your desire gratified. We'll have the finest high school battery ever seen in these parts.

Something like a sigh of relief escaped Springer's lips when he saw the ball held by the lively little shortstop, and in a measure his confidence was restored.. "They can't hit that kind out of the infield, Spring, old dandy," laughed Cooper. "You've got an elegant collection up your sleeve to-day." The home crowd cheered, and Barville sent out Pratt, the second batter.

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