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Updated: August 24, 2024

She raised the window a few inches, that she might the better hear the first distant ring of his coming on the road. She forgot he had not his horse that night, and was but a pedestrian. But somehow the night-breeze through the aperture made a wolfish howling and sobbing, that sounded faint and far away, and had a hateful character of mingled despair and banter in it.

Presently he heard a voice of friendly banter saying in English, "May I sit at your table?" and he saw an ironical face looking down on him. "There doesn't seem any other place." "Why, Mr. March!"

Behind the lattice, on these summer evenings, stands the militant figure of that old retainer, Bridget the cook, her stout arms akimbo, ready to engage in vigorous banter should Honora deign to approach. "Whisht, 'Nora darlint, it's a young lady yell be soon, and the beaux a-comin' 'round!" she would cry, and throw back her head and laugh until the tears were in her eyes.

His off-hand mode of speech was always precise, emphatic, ingenious: his laugh, which was frequent rather than otherwise, had a sincerity of banter, but no real depth of sense for the ludicrous; and soon ended, if it grew too loud, in a mere dissonant scream.

"To remove the last obstacle to its being fixed." "I? What kind of an obstacle could I have the least effect on?" Mrs. Newell met his banter with a look which quelled it. "I want you to find her father." "Her father? Miss Hermione's ?" "My husband, of course. I suppose you know he's living." Garnett blushed at his own clumsiness.

It was full of the element of chance, and he had been taking chances all his life. With the chances of fortune he had won; with the chances of love and happiness he had lost. He knew that the horseman on the mountain-side was Cayley; he knew that Cayley would not be near his home without a purpose. Besides, Cayley had said he would come he had said it in half banter, half threat.

After shewing, in decent but strong terms, the unfairness of the INDIRECT attempts of modern infidels to unsettle and perplex religious principles, and particularly the irony, banter, and sneer, of one whom he politely calls 'an eloquent historian', the archdeacon thus expresses himself: 'Seriousness is not constraint of thought; nor levity, freedom.

The spot stirred ghosts, and the governor turned to the murmuring shore with its gentle mimicry of ocean. Half sheltered by a clump of sumach sat a woman upon a bit of driftwood and flung pebbles in the lake. He stared, and then went slowly down to her. "Ruth," he said, "you here!" "Your Excellency startled me." Her banter puzzled him, but the handclasp was warm.

"I trust not," said I; "I like Lord Radnor and then explosions are disconcerting at the Opera or a supper." I had good reason, later, to remember this banter for there was an explosion at the supper that night that was more than disconcerting; but Lord Radnor was in no way responsible. When the Princess and I entered the Royal Box that night the applause was instant and enthusiastic.

You understand me, and you must know that I do not always forgive. I believe you wish to frighten me. Besides this, what more do you wish? You must ask me what I did wish, because I do not now wish for anything. You have known her longer than I have, therefore I came to you as her friend and mine, and for answer you banter with me.

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