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He made a futile effort to release the imprisoned foot. "No! no!" cried Yorke sharply, "no use doing that if he's dead. Coroner's got to view things as they are." The horse began to struggle again painfully. Peering down the badger-hole they could see the broken bone of its leg protruding bloodily through the skin. Yorke released one hand and reached for his gun.

At the same time, they knew that they must not run the risk of knocking up their animals, or they would fail in their object of making a quick journey. They had gone on for some time, when Hector's tough little horse suddenly came down, and threw him over its head. "Don't care for me," he cried; "but I'm afraid my horse has broken its leg." The animal had put its foot into a badger-hole.

"Hooroo!" shouted Larry O'Hale, wildly throwing out both arms and rising in his stirrups; "look here, Bunco, I'm goin' to fly, boy!" Larry didn't mean to do so, but he did fly! His horse put its foot in a badger-hole at that moment and fell.

The coyote tried to creep into a badger-hole, but it was too small for him and he stuck fast, and before he could get out the rock rolled over him and crushed his hips. Old Man was frightened, and as he ran he threw away his robe and everything that he had on, so that he might run faster. The rock was gaining on him all the time.

They each rode at top speed for fifty yards, when from thirty yards, as they swerved, they fired. Down plunged Buffalo Bill's horse; he had only stepped in a badger-hole. Down also plunged the chief's pony; but he was dead and the bullet that had killed him had passed through the chief's leg, first. They sprang to their feet. They were now twenty yards apart.

We have seen him, and can testify that instead of a Don Juan he is a Joseph, for there is an air of ingenuous innocence about him which makes it certain that he would crawl into a badger-hole if he met a pretty woman on the prairie.

One of the Whitesod boys has been deciding a quarrel with a neighbor with an ax, and while I fancy they want me at once, my beast got his foot in a badger-hole." "Tell Tom in the stables to let you have your choice," said Winston. "If you like them, there's no reason you shouldn't take some of these cigars along."

The gallop was ere long pressed to racing speed, and there is no saying when the young pair would have pulled up had they not met with a sudden check by the pony putting his foot into a badger-hole. The result was frightful to witness, though trifling in result. The pony went heels over head upon the plain like a rolling wheel, and its rider shot into the air like a stone from a catapult.

"Ah, poor lad, I forgot you was a orphing. Well, you see, I think it must ha' bin a love o' change or a love o' discontent, or suthin' o' that sort, as brought me cruising in these here waters, for I can't say what else it was. You see I was born a sort o' ro-oh " "Look out! a badger-hole!" shouted the boy.

"It iss this that I like better than farming," said Fergus, as the fresh horses carried them swiftly and lightly over the prairie waves, and down into the grassy hollows, now swerving to avoid a badger-hole, or clearing a small shrub with a little bound. "I do think that man wass intended to live in the wilderness, an' not to coop himself up in the cities like rabbits in their holes."