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He fell on the first advancing lines and was picked up, unconscious and mortally wounded, by an artillery officer who proceeded to carry out the aviator's mission. When the latter reopened his eyes for only a short while he asked: "Where am I?" "North of Chattancourt, west of Cumières." "Has the attack succeeded?" "Every object has been attained."

I am sure that "Sunkist" cannot be far behind the "Twins," for no single word could possibly suggest a more luscious, delectable, and desirable fruit than that. It would even take the curse off being a lemon to be a "Sunkist" lemon. It contains no hint of the perilous early life of an orange. Truly that life is more chancey than an aviator's.

As the Hoffs got out of the car a shaft of light from the opened front door threw the figures of the new arrivals into sharp relief, and Jane saw, with a shudder of terror, that Frederic was dressed in an aviator's costume. There was no longer any doubt left in her mind that he was one of those going to certain death, and a dry sob choked her.

The aviator cannot hit back except through his allies, the German batteries, on the earth. They would take care of Archibald if they knew where he was. But all that the aviator can see is mottled landscape. From his side Archibald flies no goal flags. He is one of ten thousand tiny objects under the aviator's eye. Archibald's propensities are entirely peripatetic.

"Well, I'd be glad to pass up the fifty to see you landed by the Boches. You'd make a fine sight walking down the street of some German town in those wooden shoes and pyjama pants. Why don't you dress yourself? Don't you know an aviator's supposed to look chic?" A sartorial eccentricity on the part of one of our colleagues is here referred to.

But, just as the machine was skimming over the ground, the guards noticed our absence, and, running to the open, took a shot at us. "I had taken the aviator's place, having had some experience with aeroplanes. Anderson was winged at the first shot, but was not badly wounded.

He wore a corporal's stripes and a British aviator's fatigue cap. Cohan made room for him on the bench. "What are you doing in this hole, Dook?" The man twisted his mouth so that his neat black mustache was a slant. "G. O. 42," he said. "Battle of Paris?" said Cohan in a sympathetic voice. "Battle of Nice! I'm going back to my section soon.

History records no one who kicked his way aloft with the Da Vinci device. But the manuscript which the projector left shows that he recognized the modern aviator's maxim, "There's safety in altitude."

That parcel contained all the dead German aviator's private property, his papers, medals, etc., with a note of sympathy from the victor.

In a time when brave and skilful aviators, with a mistaken idea of the ethics of their calling, were appealing to sensation lovers by the practice of dare-devil feats, the Wrights with admirable common sense and dignity stood sturdily against any such degradation of the aviator's art.